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Good Buddy

25 posts, 23 answered
  1. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    06 Sep 2018
    06 Sep 2018
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    I have tried 3 times to quit without success, this time I need to quit because I need surgery. I have to be nicotine free for 2 months before I can have the surgery done. I have to do this, or live in pain. Also I want to be a healthier person and save money. Right now I am living check to check
    because smoking is so expensive.
  2. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    06 Sep 2018 in reply to good buddy
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    Hi good buddy
    that was the main reason for my quit...3 months ago.  Good for you, you can do this!
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Good Buddy,

    Smoking certainly made a dent in my budget too before I quit. It never ceases to amaze me now how many nice things I can afford without that financial burden these past six months. The healthier body goal is a very solid one and well worth striving for. I am sorry to hear you have been living in pain. Knowing there is a solution and heading towards it makes a very good incentive. Your past experience will serve you well in identifying and avoiding the triggers.

    Be sure to set up a quit plan. Your doctor and pharmacist can give you some guidance suitable to your personal situation. The quit coaches at the Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 are also very helpful. The past posts here will also help.

    I look forward to hearing more from you here as you continue your journey.

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Good Buddy,

    It's awful when you are forced to quit due to medical issues.  I am sorry you are living in pain.

    Have you tried using NRTs in the past?  If not, maybe you could give them a try.  A lot of people find them really useful when they are trying to quit.  Also, write a list of all of the reasons you want to quit, and keep it handy so you can look at it often.  Choose a quit date, and do everything you can think of to prepare for it.

    I know the thought of trying to quit is scary.  But isn't facing a lifetime of pain scarier?  Find your inner strength and hold on tight to it.  You can do this, good buddy.  Be stronger than your addiction.
  5. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi good buddy,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline Online. I think you'll find the website has a lot of information and support as you work on your quit.

    It sounds like you have some very important reasons for quitting. I'm sure these will help to keep your motivation high as you work on it.

    Look forward to hearing about your journey,
  6. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    06 Sep 2018
    07 Sep 2018
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    Thank you all for your support.
    I just came from seeing my doctor, she put me on Champix, but told me not to quit cold turkey.
    She said to let the medication build up in my body on the lower doses, then on my eighth day, when I start the full dose, that is the day to actually quit. So my new quit date is next Saturday,
    September 15th. I have 5 psychiatric diagnoses, and I am to go see my doctor immediately if 
    my depression worsens. I was also told that using Champix has a very high success rate, so I
    am very hopeful and feel even better about quitting.
  7. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    07 Sep 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    I am not sure what NRTs are, but if they contain nicotine, I can't use them.
    I have to be nicotine free for 2 months before the surgery.
    My doctor started me on Champix today which I am very hopeful it will help as I
    was told using Champix has a high success rate.
  8. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    07 Sep 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    I do have a quit plan and am talking to a quit coach on the smokers helpline.
    I had to move up quit date for September 15th, as my doctor just put me on
    Champix and told me not to quit cold turkey until my first 7 days on the lower dose 
    so that it has a chance to build up in my body before I actually quit. I am going to
    work on cutting down on my smoking si it will be easier to do when my quit day
    comes up.
  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Go buddy go!
  10. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Good Buddy,

    Nice plan. You can do this!

  11. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    08 Sep 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    Thank you for your  support, I know it will be really hard, but I think I can really quit this time.
  12. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    08 Sep 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    Thank you, I am going, but had to change my quit date to September 15th. I started taking Champix this morning, my doctor said to quit after my 7th day being on this medication.
    To let it build up in my body for a better chance of quitting for good.
  13. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Good Buddy,

    Champix has helped many of our members to quit. Let it build up in your system and as you mentioned, cutting down a bit is also helpful in getting ready.

    You can do it Good Buddy, keep us posted,

  14. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    09 Sep 2018 in reply to susanyw
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    YUP, the surgeon told me a lot of his patients have quit this way.
    I will be successful because I need this surgery.
    My worry is that after the surgery, I might start again because I know I can,
    even though I don't want to.
  15. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    09 Sep 2018 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    Thank you Lillian for your support, it means a lot to me.
    I feel that I can do this knowing that Champix has a high success rate.
  16. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    09 Sep 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    I have not marked your supportive comment as answered.
    What Does NRTs mean?
  17. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Good Buddy,
    NRT means nicotine replacement therapy.  So things like the patch and Champix.  
    It's great that you are taking Champix.  It has helped a lot of people to quit smoking.  Try not to think too far ahead.  Just take it one step at a time.  You can do this.  Believe in yourself.
  18. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    13 Sep 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    Thank you for answering my question treepeo,
    I cannot take anything that has nicotine in it, but I am taking Champix.
    My quit date is this Saturday, Sept 15th.
    I am a little nervous, but I think I can do it this time.
    I have heard a lot of success with people who used this medication.
    Thank you for your support.
  19. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Excited for you, good buddy, that you have a quit date set (yay!).
    Is there anything else you need to have in place for Saturday?
    It is totally common for you to be nervous, with some confidence mixed in: this is a big change & be sure in your decision to quit and that you've worked hard for this.

    Please know we are rooting for ya!

  20. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    13 Sep 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Thank you Sarah,
    I think I will be OK on the weekend because I spend my days at my boyfriend's place.
    He is a good support.
    I have stocked up on sugar-free hard candies as I am diabetic.
    I have it set up for smokers helpline to be in touch with me via phone on Monday, Sept 17th as I will be alone all day.
    I have myself set up with a quit buddy and I have a lot of support through my friends on facebook. Also if I am struggling, I can call into Mood Disorders where I volunteer and get support through them.
  21. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Way to go good buddy: a combination of support & strategies to get you to quit successfully.
    You have even prepared for a few different scenarios - great planning! 
    Continue to post and/or read as needed - we are here for you - and reach out to your resources as needed.
    All the best for Monday!
  22. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    14 Sep 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Thank you Sarah,
    I am going to work really hard at this.
  23. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    17 Sep 2018
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    I have now set a quit date for the 4th time.
    Early this morning I was finally able to get rid of everything, my ashtrays, lighters and I doused the rest of my cigarettes in water.  It was too tempting to have them here, now they are gone and now there is no temptation. So As of 5:00 am this morning, I am going it cold turkey, well, with the help of only Champix, distractions, sunflower seeds, sugar-free candies, and sugar-free gum. No nicotine as I need to be nicotine free for two months before I can have my surgery done.
    I am hoping I have no slips because every time I do, it makes it a longer wait for surgery.
  24. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    17 Sep 2018 in reply to good buddy
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    Hi Goodbuddy,

    Congratulations on getting started. Today is your day. You've got some good ideas there with the distractions and candies and gum. Turn to those often and they will help. Anytime you use those instead of smoking, it is success. You will build on that moment by moment and in time you will have that surgery and smoking will be completely behind you!

    Take a deep breath goodbuddy and keep going strong.
    Last modified on 17 Sep 2018 12:00 by lillian, quit coach
  25. good buddy
    good buddy avatar
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    17 Sep 2018 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    Thanks, Lillian,
    Now that all my temptations are gone, it may be easier, but I find that I do not too badly during the day with not smoking, it starts getting really hard from 3 pm on til I go to bed.
    I think that is because evenings were bad growing up and I have a hard time dealing with them.
    That is the main reason I go to bed so early, at 7 pm. 
    So there is a 4-hour timeline during my day when I struggle the most.
25 posts, 23 answered