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Preparing and need some help

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. leeds_1979
    leeds_1979 avatar
    1 posts
    12 Sep 2023
    12 Sep 2023
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    I have tried to quit smoking multiple times without success.  I don't have anyone to talk to about this as I don't really know anyone who has quit smoking. Most of the people in my life have never even tried smoking so they don't understand what I am going through.  
    I am looking for some tips, coping mechanisms and strategies to help me suceed. 
    I am looking for someone to talk to.
    Thank you
  2. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
    72 posts
    09 Nov 2022
    13 Sep 2023
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    Hi leeds_1979,

    Congratulations! Just by participating on this forum, you have taken a really big step toward becoming tobacco free! 

    Quitting smoking can be hard, but with a plan, tools and strategies in place, you can be successful. A good way to start may be by simply writing down your reasons for wanting to quit. Keep that list where you can see it and add new reasons as you think of them. 

    Get support. People are more likely to succeed when they have help. This forum, website, friends or family, your doctor, pharmacist, or a counselor can all be good sources of support. 

    Think about your triggers. You are probably aware of the times and/or activities when you are most likely to smoke. Once you know this, you can strategize! 

    Anticipate challenges such as cravings and/or symptoms of withdrawal. Think about ways you can get through the more difficult parts of your journey. Keep busy. The more distracted you are, the less likely you are to crave cigarettes. Staying active is also a good distraction and it can help to keep your energy up.

    There are many ways to quit, but only you will know what works best for you. Some find gradually reducing the number of cigarettes helpful while others find it best to quit "cold turkey". Some find nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products like the patch, gum or inhaler etc. helpful while others prefer prescription medication. Talk your doctor and/or pharmacist about which options might work best for you. 

    And remember, it's ok if you have a slip. Slips and relapses are common, and they really are a part of the process. Take note of why and when it happened, then move on. Use these as learning opportunities and never quit quitting. 

    I hope that this information is helpful. Keep reading the posts here, they are filled with lots of good strategies!

    Quit Coach
2 posts, 0 answered