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It's Time To Quit!

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. wichgirl43
    wichgirl43 avatar
    1 posts
    21 Jan 2020
    21 Jan 2020
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    Hi, I'm Caroline.  I've known for a very long time that I must quit smoking and this is the year I am going to make it happen.  I have 4 beautiful grandchildren and I just hate that I stink when I'm around them.  I am a paraplegic, in a wheelchair and I know that I am killing myself. My health is a major motivation for me to quit.  I need as much support as possible....hoping to get some here from my new friends.
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    21 Jan 2020 in reply to wichgirl43
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    Hi wichgirl43, and welcome.

    Making the decision to quit is huge and I'm glad you've decided to make this year your time!

    I am coming up to five months smoke free and I can't tell you how empowered I am. It was hard. It can still be hard, but it can be done with the right attitude and support. So bravo for coming here … the people here were/are instrumental in my success.

    And here's something I want to share with you … from one grandmother to another.  

    Two weeks or so into my quit I got home and my daughter had popped over with my two granddaughters. They ran down the hall yelling and wrapped their sweet little bodies around my legs. I bent down to give them a cuddle and the eldest (five years old) whispered in my ear … "Nana, you smell delicious …"

    Oh Caroline, it doesn't get better than that.

    So, keep us posted and let us know when you need some support. Truly, we can do this together.

    One thing I would suggest is get yourself a journal and keep it with you at all times. Write down your quit plan including who your support people are, and how you are going to manage the cravings. Having a quit journal is also a great place to vent and reflect. I still have mine, and I love looking back on what I've gone through and how proud I can be of myself for doing it.

    Check back soon, okay? And I would be honoured to be your new quit friend. :)
    Last modified on 21 Jan 2020 15:18 by justfortoday
2 posts, 0 answered