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Screwed up...AGAIN!

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    After 2 and a half months of being smoke-free, I messed up and went back to smoking and I'M NOT HAPPY!! However, I figured out where I made my mistake and have since corrected it so I'm going to be trying this again. My mistake was in thinking that I no longer needed the patch so now I'm back on it and my new quit date is May 28th. I AM NOT GIVING UP.! I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!! This is the second time I've blown it and for the same reason...I NEED THE HELP OF THE PATCH!!! For me, the patch is my new best friend and I've stocked myself up with it so I have no excuse to not succeed this time and I WILL NOT BE MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE A THIRD TIME!!! N.O.P.E!!!! Not one puff...EVER!!
  2. shannon1233
    shannon1233 avatar
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    Hi Phoenix! I'm new here, and have a start date of June 3rd. I've heard a lot of people slip up and have to try several times, so don't be discouraged :) You've identified why/how and rectified it, so best of luck! YOU CAN DO THIS! Hang in there! I'll keep an eye open for your updates!
  3. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    Hi Shannon 1233! Thanks for the words of encouragement.  It's been 3 days since my last smoke and so far, so good! If there's one thing I've learned throughout all this is to never give up trying cuz the more you try the better chance you have of succeeding. I wish you all the best in your quit! I will keep an eye open for your updates as well. Good luck on your upcoming quit!! 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Its a process... I used the patch in my quit as well and when I moved from Step 1 down to Step 2 I had a slip. The stress from work and the urges were too much and I gave in and had one.. but I regretted it... got sick from it and didn't enjoy it at all.
    Then when I moved to Step 3 it happened again. I had another slip and that one resulted in coughing up blood in the shower the next day. But I didn't let myself throw in the towel and just continued on with the quit acknowledging the slips for what they were. I was taught a lesson that smoking is poisoning yourself and we don't need them anymore.
    Im now on day 98 and even more determinded now to stay quit and make this one the last quit. I never want to go through that first few weeks again with the heartburn, throwing up anytime I ate, feeling dizzy and light-headed and then the urges striking on the hour. I still think of smoking but I don't want to... if that makes any sense.
    I guess what Im saying is don't be too hard on yourself when you slip. Its a tough habit to break and it has years on us quitters just starting out. Eventually a time comes in the process where you turn a corner and things get better and 'easier'.

    Now Im no longer having any of those nasty withdrawal symptoms and Im adapting to life as a non smoker. I feel 100 times better. and I know I look a lot healthier too.
  5. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Day 98! How fantastic that all of your hard work is paying off, and I hope you celebrate day 100 in style! Feeling 100 times better is cause for celebration. 

    Thank you for using some of your hard-won knowledge to support others here. Your words and wisdom are making a big difference in helping others to succeed, so -- kudos! 

    Also, just wanted to encourage you, if you haven't done so already, to let your doctor know about the coughing up blood episode, just to be on the safe side. 
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    14 Mar 2022 in reply to efram, quit coach
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    Thanks Efram. It feels like a dream come true to have gotten this far this time... Maybe, just maybe, this is the quit to stick but I'm keeping on my toes and watching out for temptations. The coughing up blood was just a little bit in the phlem. It stopped after that one time, but when Im back at my doctors again I will mention it just to be sure. I know it was from the cigarette I smoked and my trachea was irritated from the hot smoke.
6 posts, 0 answered