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Quit Day Coming Up...Don't Know If I'm Ready

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  1. jr83
    jr83 avatar
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    I'm on week 5 of using Champix and I'm still smoking.  I've cut back significantly (almost a pack a day to 2-5 now) and my quit day is/was set for tomorrow.  I'm very nervous about fully committing, and I don't even know why.  I've been saying for the past 6 months or more, that I wanted to quit and that I wanted to quit by summer (I hate bugs and hot weather, so this was my way of avoiding both with a positive outcome).  I still have the desire to quit, but I feel like I'm not ready, but that I should be by now.  With tomorrow being the date that I set, do I just suck it up and stick to it or do I allow myself more time? 
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    Good for you for making a plan (Champix) and cutting down on the smokes. Now just go for it and quit. You have nothing to lose by trying. At 2-5 smokes per day all you are doing is torturing yourself by not getting enough nicotine and going through mini withdrawals all day long between smokes, but getting just enough nicotine to keep yourself addicted. 

    I quit on New Years. It was a tough thing to commit to. I felt like I was giving up a large part of who I was. I didn't know what to do with myself. I wondered how non-smokers could just have a beer without smoking.

    You know though, I was determined to give it a shot, and as the days went on I started to actually value my quit. I pushed myself to keep it. I determined to be better than the smokes. 

    Now almost 6 months later I feel so much better physically. I can breathe, I have more energy, my wife cuddles up to me more on the couch since I don't stink like and ashtray. And I saved enough money already to partially pay for a European trip last month. 

    Here's the thing - if you want to quit, you really need to want it. Educate yourself about the whole quitting process. 3-4 days and the nicotine is out of your system - after that is as much mental as it is physical. 

  3. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi JR, welcome to Smokers' Helpline, and congrats on your success with cutting down! 

    I agree with atp. You have nothing to lose by trying, and if it works then you're off to the races! And if it doesn't work then you'll still have extra experience to bring to the next quit date. It's normal to have pre-quit date jitters; if it would help to talk with a Quit Coach tomorrow, you can call 1-877-513-5333. If you decide to stick with tomorrow as the quit date, it could help to prepare before bed tonight by getting rid of any cigarettes that could tempt you in the morning. 

    Now, it's up to you -- you know yourself best, and know what works for yourself best. We'll be rooting for you! 
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi jr83,

    I agree with the others.  Just go for it.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  And you have nothing to lose but a bad habit.

    I wanted to quit for a long time, too.  When it came to my quit date, I was nervous and had a lot of self doubt.  But I was determined.  And stubborn.  I have encountered a lot of obstacles in life, and it is just my nature to work to overcome them.

    You are stronger than your addiction.  You have already cut down significantly.  And by the way, a huge congratulations to you on that.  It shows that you are determined to ditch this habit.  Now bring it home!  Yes, it's going to be hard for a while.  But think of it this way.  A little bit of pain for a lifetime of gain.

    You can change your life for the better, and you're worth it.  Give yourself the ultimate gift, the gift of living a smoke free life.  Trust me, you will be glad you did.  I am rooting for you!
  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hi  jr83,

    I was in the same boat as you.  I "prepared" for quitting for one year, and each time my quit date would come and go.  A snowstorm hit and I had only 1 cigarette, and a closet full of Nicorette, because I was preparing.  So my quit date was unplanned, and I went for it, and I got committed because it had taken so much effort.  
    Now, I'm on day 473 and still going strong.  Sure, smoking is and was part of what I did, not who I was.  And now I have a new identity as a non-smoker, and it is fabulous, and has not always been easy, but sooooo worth it.  Go for it!  and good strength!

  6. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    Good morning everyone,

    First of all I hope you are doing well jr83. It's always great to remind other the benefits of quitting like what atp mentioned; breathing better, more energy, and saving money for a trip!  During the journey of quitting its nice to be able to recognize how your behavior can change, like being able to have a beer without smoking, waking up and enjoying a cup of coffee alone, doing something else after a meal, just driving with your hands free, or dealing with stress without the cigarette.

    Life can continue on and you don't have to lose sight of who you are, it's  a better you, "a non-smoker."

    Congrats on making it this far, aurora! Good job!

    Jenna C
  7. jr83
    jr83 avatar
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    Wow, thanks everyone for the encouraging words!!!  Yesterday morning around 7:30a was the last time I had a smoke and I plan on keeping it that way.  Yesterday I was super nervous, but today I woke up excited.  I know I have a lot of family & friend's support, which is a tremendous help but just being able to voice my concerns and having people be able to relate to what I'm going through on here is amazing. I can do this and I want to do this!  I've been saying that out loud since yesterday.  Thank you again! 
  8. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    This is great new jr83! We are all rooting for your success.. I'm so glad to hear you are excited about making these changes and most importantly have the support to see you through this. We understand and know this isn't easy but remember to take One Day at a Time.

    If you need further assistance or have any concerns please don't hesitate to phone us at Smokers' Helpline  7d/wk 1-877-513-5333.

    The positive affirmations you are saying, "I can want to do this" is important along with your positivity.

    Keep it up!

    Jenna C
8 posts, 0 answered