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Quit Date?

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    i was wondering after quite a long time that I wasn't trying to quit smoking I started again yesterday but it was after I bought some losenges which was around 1 in the afternoon> I am not sure how to set my quit meter whether is today or tomorrow. It was a while that I disappeared but my kitty did not do well. as I tried to give her antibiotics she had to be put to sleep. all this was a very hard time and I was a mess. its funny that the day I took her to the vet I bought a pack of smokes like knowing I was going to smoke them. as the day progressed and I walked out of the vet it seems I was on auto pilot and just lit up and didn't even think at all. its been a couple of weeks now and it was always bugging me about going back to quitting smoking. it just kept nudging in my thoughts as I think I knew what I really wanted to do. yesterday I bought some losenges and started to use them right away. I have been smoke free since. the cravings have been crazy but I keep telling myself its just my body getting used to less nicotine. have tried staying strong emotionally and think have done pretty good. not sure which I should put as my quit date as was half way through the day yesterday and went smoke free and wasn't a full day but this morning I woke up and as soon as sat up put the lozenge in my mouth. can anyone help me?
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    Welcome back.

    Firstly, let me say that I am very sorry that you had to put your cat to sleep.  I had to do that with my cat as well, so I know how difficult it is.  Just know that your kitty is in a good place and is watching over you.

    Stressful experiences like this are powerful triggers to make us want to smoke again.  I am sure we can all relate to how you were feeling at the time.  But the important thing is that you are now back and ready to quit again.  Why not make today your quit day?  Today is as good a day as any to take the plunge.

    It is good that you have lozenges to help you through, but you said that your cravings are bad.  What did you use on your previous quit?  Did you use any other NRTs?  Do you think the Quick Mist might be helpful for you to use in a pinch?

    It sounds like you are really committed to quitting smoking again.  You have done it before, so you know you have the willpower to do it again.  Bravo to you for caring enough about yourself to quit again.  You can go all the way this time, tiny2018.  Believe in yourself.
  3. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    thanks. my last quit I used the patches. am not too sure if these ones are the ones that are gonna work for me but I guess is trial and error maybe. I do think that the quick mist spray will help me. am going to look into it a bit. am just trying to be strong as each wave of craving comes over but I try as hard as I can to get through it. sometimes I am wondering if are so often right now because of the behaviour is still there so kind of situational triggers I call them are there and trigger stuff often because I go to do something that I would do or go outside for a smoke at that time.
  4. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    Keep exploring the NRT, like you said it is trial and error and they can be a helpful tool in getting through cravings. Those cravings sure can last long and can pop up quite often. Sometimes it is the physical craving causing the discomfort and other times as you noticed, situations can cause the cravings to pop up. NRT might make those cravings more manageable for you. Other times you may use distractions or deep breathing to help them pass.

    You really are training yourself on how to get through situations and cravings without reacting with a cigarette. Practice will work tiny2018. Each time you don't act on that craving or thought you are learning and training!

    Keep going tiny2018, remember the reasons for doing this and keep your mind, mouth and hands busy. You are stronger than those cravings.

    Rooting for you!
  5. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    been trying to stay busy today. I got up and went to go for a coffee this morning and bring it home and sit watch some tv in the morning and the cable guy came and took about 10 minutes and was so close to just convincing myself that I just was going to get my vape and go outside and vape. I could almost feel myself picking it up and go outside. instead my buddy next door knocked on my door to stop by and we went outside talking as was showing me stuff and we started talking and did a bit of cleaning up outside and I was in and out and chit chatting and I totally forgot that I was going to get my vape and go outside. I came in felt so much better and happier but had a minimal craving but not as dibilitaing as before so used a lonsenge I was happy felt good and all the bad cravings were gone. I also this afternoon turned on my ipod and put in my headphones and went to the grocery store. I think as not smoking or vaping I don't go outside and don't see anyone so feel I don't know what is happening outside and in the wold so I used going outside to smoke and vape to just go outside and see outside at same time. was triggering a craving I think but in the end used my nrt as well as as soon as came in I turned on my computer and came here. have been on my computer pretty much most of the day but has helped reading the posts so much and have gotten through and remained smoke free today.
  6. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    hey tiny2018!

    That is fantastic!!

    You have what you need in place and so far so good.

    You got through some tests today but passed all the way through.

    You are doing it!

    One minute at a time tiny2018.

6 posts, 0 answered