Forums / My journey / 40 Days

40 Days

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. jenny12
    jenny12 avatar
    7 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    11 Apr 2018
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    I can`t believe its been 40 days since I have quit smoking. I have to admit I am quite proud of myself. I have tried to quit many times in the past and have never made it over a month. Now I watch my numbers keep going up and loving it. I do at times wish I could just have one puff, but I know that if I do I will start smoking again. So that is something I will not do, I can`t ruin everything that I have been working so hard to do. And yes I do at times get cravings that just don't seem to want to go away. I will work through it and continue my journey as an ex smoker.

  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    11 Apr 2018 in reply to jenny12
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    Hi jenny12,

    Congrats on 40 days for being quit!

    It's great to see how motivated you are and I'm sure it's been an inspiration for many of us here.

    Any plans to celebrate getting to this milestone?

  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Jenny 12,

    Congratulations on your 40 days. That is awesome! I am not far behind you at 38 days and enjoying every smoke free minute. Pat yourself on the back.

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Yippee jenny12, way to go!!!  Keep taking it one day at a time and remember, Not One Puff Ever!  Stick to that motto and you will be fine.
  5. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Jenny,
    Congratulations on your 40 days!  It's a wonderful acheivement isn't it?  You are doing what we once thought of as the impossible!
  6. jenny12
    jenny12 avatar
    7 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    13 Apr 2018 in reply to emily, quit coach
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    I have planned a trip this summer to visit my brother and his wife. Every payday I put 100.00 into my savings account towards my trip. I am planning on doing some shopping while I am there since I live in a small town. I also buy myself something every payday, something either for myself or for my home. 
  7. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Thats awesome, Jenny12! All those dollars saved sure do add up, and now you are spending it on things and memories that make you happy. Rewarding yourself consistently, no matter how big or how small, keeps the motivation high. Enjoy all your treats, Jenny12, and keep up the amazing work!
    Community: what was your favorite 'quit reward' purchase?

    Happy smoke-free Friday night, everyone!
  8. deejay66
    deejay66 avatar
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    05 Sep 2020
    04 Oct 2020
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    yea 40 days 
    i always jump in the hottest shower to help relieve wanting to smoke , i cough a little in the shower to help expose my lungs and that morning craving goes away
    helps making breakie and taking vitamins as soon as i wake
    also water next to bed even if ur lazy like me
    just looking at my water helps
8 posts, 0 answered