Forums / Cravings / 2 month Mark Cravings

2 month Mark Cravings

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. artemisnorth
    artemisnorth avatar
    1 posts
    22 Dec 2019
    05 Jan 2020
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    Hi all. I quit 2 months ago with no aids. The first month was easier than the second. Why? Anyone else have this problem? The cravings are really strong....totally wasn't prepared for this. All the literature says they should be almost gone by now. 
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    05 Jan 2020 in reply to artemisnorth
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    Hi artemisnorth,

    First of all, amazing progress! Two months is a huge accomplishment.

    I can totally relate what you're feeling ... I just celebrated 4 months and was totally thrown off by the cravings I had all of December. Soooo discouraging! I thought I'd gotten through the worst, and according to what I read, I should have been.

    I knew smoking wasn't an option and instead of being "worried" that I'd have to battle cravings for the rest of my life, I went back to the tools that got me through the first few hellish weeks and just rode it out. It truly helped and over the last week I've noticed the cravings are loosing their strength.

    Try not to put too much into what you read ... our addiction and our quit is as unique as we are. You've got two months behind you, so you have what it takes to do this.

    I promise you, it does get better!
2 posts, 0 answered