832 posts
29 Nov 2017
19 Feb 2019
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Hi atp,
I am glad to hear you fought back and remained strong. Good for you.
On Family Day, I suddenly got a craving. But thankfully it wasn't the kind of craving I usually get, the kind where my lungs actually start to throb with need. This was definitely more of a "want" crave. I was watching a movie and someone pulled something out of their pocket and put it on the table. I assumed it was going to be a package of cigarettes. As it turns out, it wasn't, but that thought alone was enough to trigger me. I had to battle against it for about 10 minutes, but then I was okay again.
Always in those situations, I try to remember how far I have come, and I think about those people I know who are still smoking. And how I wouldn't want to trade places with them. And then I start my mantra in my head, "Not One Puff Ever". And I know I'm going to win the battle.
You are absolutely right, atp. You are cruising along and then, Bam, a craving will come when you least expect it. So you always have to remain vigilant, and be prepared to fight against it when it happens.
By the way, I can't believe you have been smoke free for 49 days now. You are getting the job done, atp! Keep it up, you are ROCKING YOUR QUIT!!!