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Severe throat pain

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. escott33
    escott33 avatar
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    Hi all - I am reaching out to see if anyone has experienced anything similar to this, or has any advice.  I "quit" for the first time about 4 years was my most successful attempt - I was smoke free for about 10 months.  However, at the 6 month mark I got severe strep throat.  My tonsils were the size of golfballs, white and the pain was unbearable.  A couple months later, it happened again. 
    I eventually fell back into smoking for another 6 months.  Once I quit again, I immediately got strep throat.  By this point, I was suspecting it had something to do with not smoking.  Over the next couple of years, I attempted quitting about 5 times - often going months, however when I was not smoking, strep throat would come back about every month or so.  It has happened about 10 times at this point.  When I am smoking, I will not get strep throat.  The pain is truly unbearable and it results me in taking a few days off work everytime, which cannot continue to happen.
    I have been smoking for a year again and have not had strep throat during this time, so I am absolutely sure that it is happening when I quit.  My doctor is at a loss (and really not helpful), so I feel like I need to choose between smoking (which I don't want to do) or having recurring strep throat (which I REALLY don't want to do).

    I am just curious if anyone has experienced this, has any insight, or really any advice?  I am ready to quit, however not at the cost of being crippled with strep throat every couple of months after I quit again.
  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Escott33,

    Very unusual. Perhaps you could have your doctor refer you to a throat specialist. One time when I was not satisfied with my doctor's answer I went to a local walk in clinic and they gave me the answer I needed. The emergency units of hospitals also treat people who are suffering pain on an out patient basis.

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello there

    I think is wire, I use to smoke 3 packs a day, I quit almost 2 and 1/2 years ago as Cold Turkey, all I can say is all Positive.
    If I were you I will consider to see the specialist, maybe, you need some support for a wile! Nothing bad can happened id you quit!

    All the best, please let us know how you do!
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi escott33,

    I have never heard of what you are experiencing, but I know that strep throat is nasty and really painful.  I agree with eagerquit.  You should see a throat specialist.  If you were smoking and got strep throat, it would be way worse.  I have had several friends who quit smoking when they got strep throat because the pain was unbearable.  Unfortunately, once the strep cleared up, they started smoking again.

    Let us know what happens if you do see a specialist.  I am really curious to hear what he or she has to say.
  5. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    I just would like to add the same escott33, it isn't something we've ever heard related to the quit. As the others have suggested, it is important to gather some proper medical support!

  6. chartippybum
    chartippybum avatar
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    I have some weird thoughts about it...i swear when you inhale smoke its hot and it burns all the germs and bacteria in your mouth and throat. When i was smoking i never got sick but now that i do smoke i get sick a lot more. So i am going to try putting a few drops of oregano oil into water a swish it around my mouth every day or so to kill the germs. You can also have your tonsils removed if youre getting sick too often. But i swear the smoke prevents you from getting sick because its hot and kills the germs plus you have more muscus to catch the germs. Try washing your hands more and dont touch your face!! 
  7. escott33
    escott33 avatar
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    23 Apr 2018 in reply to chartippybum
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    Chartippybum, you mirror my thoughts exactly.  I have always felt like smoking (inhaling a lot of bad stuff) has eliminated the bacteria/germs in my throat, which would explain my recurring strep when not smoking.  I just wish one of the many doctors (my own, walk-ins and even an ENT) could confirm this.  None have heard of a correlation between throat issue and quitting smoking. 

    Thanks everyone for the advice.  I'm setting a quit date for this Saturday, and if I have throat issues again will see an ENT.  As a side note, I did actually have an appointment to have my tonsils removed after about 6 rounds of strep in one year, however actually chickened out last minute (heard the process is torture for adults, unlike kids), however I'll go down that path again if my theories are correct and the strep comes back once I quit.
  8. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Escott33,

    Congratulations on setting up a quit date for becoming smoke free! I wish you every success in your plan and hope you will keep in touch to let us know how you progress.

  9. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello escott33
    Congrats on setting a new quit date, and for getting a second opinion if you end up getting strep throat again (fingers crossed you don’t!).
    We do not know of any evidence to prove a connection between quitting smoking and strep throat, and that there is no safe level of smoking.
    We also are not health care professionals, nor do we know your own personal health history, so its best if you visit a throat specialist and hopefully get to the bottom of it.
    All the best on Saturday,
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi escott33,

    I am glad you set a quit date.  Now you have a goal to work towards.  Even if ultimately you have to have your tonsils removed, you will heal so much better and more quickly if you don't smoke.  And even if your theory is right that smoking kills germs, etc., that also means that it kills "good" bacteria as well.  The bottom line is that there is nothing healthy at all about smoking.  Smoking just kills us slowly, and in ways we can't always see.  So quitting is definitely the right thing to do.

    I hope that things go well for you on Saturday.
10 posts, 0 answered