Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / not sure which NRT

not sure which NRT

10 posts, 1 answered
  1. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    I thought that had thought it out quite a bit as I really need help with fighting the cravings during the day rather than have a full blown craving hit me and have something to help then as kind of know myself and it is hard when am in the middle of a big craving to grab something and use it then but as I tried as my quit date was today I put on the patch and was doing well then it came out of nowhere a big craving and I tried to delay and refocus my thinking so wasn't thinking about cigarettes but it was too much by itself and wasn't expecting that would happen. Does anyone have any ideas on what might help or things that might help with this situation that I wasn't expecting?
  2. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    First, congratulations on taking the first steps in your quit journey by planning a quit and trying a quit aid. It sounds as though the patch was helpful for a period of time, but that you still experienced a really strong craving. Now, from what you've shared, I am unsure whether you smoked, but there are definitely things that might help with this kind of situation in future. It is also a great sign that you are addressing how you are feeling now; it demonstrates your commitment to quitting!

    Finding something else to keep your mind occupied and delaying are both great strategies. It is hard to do this sometimes! We would definitely encourage you to continue to try these in the future when you are craving.

    Combination therapy might be a good option for you (such as using the NRT patch with NRT gum). There are five different forms of NRT all available over-the-counter, and pharmacists could help you decide what might be best for you. You can also learn about the various NRT products on our website by clicking My quit plan when signed in and then navigating to I am ready to quit.

    If you have any further questions, you can call 1-877-513-5333 and speak to a quit coach.

    - Kate R

    Last modified on 24 Mar 2019 15:29 by kate r, quit coach
  3. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    I did smoke and feel real bad about it.  I have gone over it and tried to think as to what I could do during that time, morning, so as it will help with the slip I had this morning. I decided that I need to definitely change up my morning routine so as the regular routine I do every morning will not trigger any cravings whether they be habiltual cravings or one that triggers a physical craving. like when get up and ready for my day instead of sitting with a coffee watching tv after am done getting ready making some  tea and not watch tv but instead come here and read the posts and posts so as to change my routine but feel when reading some support and ideas with cravings or anything so to help not only during my morning but the day. I am going to try to spend less time during the day sitting in my chair and watching tv. when I do get the repetitive thinking about cigarettes read or move around or play with my cat. any stress that I tend to have quite a bit during the day every day and I have always had issues being able to deal with them I will write things down in a journal. the combination therapy is a good idea. I went to go  over the NRT choices and I am thinking that with the patch that the gum will be really helpful to me. will talk to the pharmacist to help me decide which strength. am going to use. I am reseting my quit date and am going to put the patch on tomorrow morning after getting ready as I do feel good about the new ideas I have that can help me when I run into this again. 
  4. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
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    Hi tiny2018,

    The fact that you felt bad shows you care about this quit and are wanting to stay smoke-free. Slipping and relapses are a normal and common part of the quit journey; we learn from these experiences and can make the necessary adjustments next time. You have already identified changing your morning routine to avoid some of those triggers could be helpful. That's great! Journalling is also an excellent response to stress.

    Hopefully a conversation with a pharmacist about products will further increase your confidence going into this next quit. 

    You can do this!

    - Kate R
    Last modified on 24 Mar 2019 23:32 by kate r, quit coach
  5. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    I am on Step 2 patch for 17 days now. I find the inhaler really helps when “ dying for a smoke “. I also have the lozenges which help a lot. I’m using everything. It’s all better than smoke in the lungs. I take the patch off at night. The other tools are good for a big hit in the morning. So far is good. Cravings not terrible. 
  6. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Alice Chapeau,

    Congratulations on quitting!

    So happy to hear that you've found some products that are working well for you as you go smoke free. 

    Wishing you all the best,
  7. debcharm
    debcharm avatar
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    I admit I pulled out all smoking aids to quit. I been smoking over 30 years, I started at age 12. I used Champix and patches, gum spray vape, I used it all but I also took myself off everything except the spray after I made it past 3 weeks cause I hear after 3 weeks it gets easier, so then I went to step 2 patch and I wore once lol, I stopped to see how I would do with out it. I survived so I gave that up along with gum, actually I didn't care for the gum. so last was the champix... could I survive without it. So before I went to get the last treatment of it, I went without it for days and felt fine but I waited cause has to wear out of my system. Still today I am not on it and yes I still get cravings sometimes strong ones that I can feel my rage turning into Hulk lol. I spray and back to normal I go. but I try really hard to get through those bad moments without it. Most times successful but other times if I didn't use it...I think I be single or jobless or both LOL, just kidding but seriously it took the whole lot to get me to day 31. Now that I made it hear, my next goal, 6 months. I hear that can be a bitch too so will by day. But the major part of the carving when you first quit, long gone. whew GOOD LUCK AND USE THE SMOKING AIDS, THEY ARE THERE TO HELP YOU. Better that then the cig.
  8. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    Hi. I am on the patch too. I’m at day 23. I’m finding the nicorette inhaler gadget is really helpful for the cravings. Try these. The candies are good too. 
    alice chapeau. 
  9. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    Oh that is all so good to hear!  I’m on day 23 now & just went down to step 3 patch. Using the inhalers. Really want to get off the patch ASAP but don’t want to jeopardize my progress. Thanks for all the feedback!!
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    At this stage, Im nearly an expert with NRT.
    Tried Champix.. twice. It worked but it was almost too easy. There were no side affects aside from mad crazy dreams at night.

    Have tried the patches several times but you have to stay the whole course. 6-8 weeks of the step 1 then 2 weeks each for step 2 and 3. The idea of them is that they gradually reduce the amount of nicotine you get and by 6-10 weeks, the habit of physically smoking is broken so then its just to eliminate the nicotine from your system. This latest quit I used the patches and the mist spray. Didn't like the spray at first but Ive used it throughout this quit. A squirt on the inside of the cheek here and there when a craving kicks in... but now Im beginning to think Im just using it for the sake of it... but Im not ready to let it go. Im on day 87 today and feel great. Sunday will be 3 months so after that Ill see if I can go without the spray... or else Ill just keep using it as needed. Its not cheap though.. €30 a pop. The patches were €23 for a weeks supply. But I was able to afford them by not spending €14.50 a day on cigarettes.

    The key with the patch is to go the whole course, even if you feel you can go without it. I didn't take it off at night and had a few smoking dreams and other vivid dreams whereby when you wake up you think it actually happened. I know many people here using the patch take it off at night to get a full nights sleep.

    I tried cold turkey too but it was vicious in the early weeks... I couldn't do it.

    No method is 'easy' but you will find one that works. The main thing in a quit is that you have your mind made up you really want to quit and then just be stubbourn about it and stick to your guns. Self talk helps... 'keep going, youre nearly at 3 weeks... 3 months now.... don't give up... life will be better without them'... and definitely using a forum like this where everyone can understand what you are going through helps. I found reading other peoples threads really helped me... Ive read some of them several times over and over... so I can relate.

    I determinded that this quit is the one that will stick. I got this far before in attempts but for whatever reason, gave in and went back to smoking. I had a slip on day 65 when I went down to the step 2 patches and I was so stressed at work I thought I would go crazy. But the slip only reinforced that I wanted to be finished with them so I picked myself up and carried on with the patches. And here I am on day 87. 3 months in sight sunday.

    Whatever method, it takes will power and courage. it will be uncomfortable for a while but if u can get to the milestones you will find it does really get easier and then you begin to enjoy the benefits of quitting.

    Good luck.
10 posts, 1 answered