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Quitting feb 1

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. scottslula
    scottslula avatar
    1 posts
    30 Jan 2019
    29 Jan 2019
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    Really want to finally quit smoking because of the negative impact on my mental health. My quit date is feb 1. Ive done the math, at 5 minutes a cigarette 20 times a day. That's 1 hour and 40 minutes simply spent smoking a cigarette. Then theres the time getting yourself ready for a smoke, like putting on your jacket, going outside, going downstairs at work, etc. Say another 5 minutes average, theres another 1 hour and 40 minutes. In total now, 3 hours and 20 minutes. Then theres the time spent thinking about, being distracted by, and planning for the cigarette. Although its likely more, say another 5 minites average, another 1 hour and 40 minutes. In total now that's 5 hours of my day revolving around ciagrettes. I sleep an average of 8 hours a day, so i spend thr other 16 hours awake. 5 out of the 16 hours i spend awake are spent revolving around smoking. Thats 31.25% of my waking hours spent revolving around cigarettes. A third of my real life revolves around smoking! Thats why i want to quit, i want that third of my life back.
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Wow scottslula,

    I'm so impressed by the way you worked that out!  Isn't it staggering how much of our time smoking takes up?  What an absolute waste.

    It's great that you have set a quit date.  Remember to keep busy, and drink lots of water.  Kick those butts to the curb.  You deserve to get your life back.
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Gracious scottslula!

    I never looked at smoking from such a time wasting vantage point. I guess that is how I have found the time to do so many productive activities since I quit. When you quit on Feb 1, have a plan in place to replace that time with other activities. They will distract you from thoughts and temptations.

    Wishing you every success.

  4. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    30 Jan 2019 in reply to eagerquit
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    Hi scottslula, The way you figured out time wasted by smoking is a real eye opener! I never thought of it in that way before, but that is so true. Good for you that you’ve set a quit date, and I agree with treepeo and eagerquit to have a plan, gather up as much information as you can, and check in with the helpline whenever you need it. We are all here to help each other by sharing our journeys, so please keep posting  -m
  5. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello everyone
    And thank you scottsslula for working out some really shocking numbers - its amazing how much time is gained by quitting smoking. What a fantastic reason to quit smoking!
    Often people say they can finally explore new hobbies & interests with the new time on their hands.
    All the best with your quit
  6. footprints
    footprints avatar
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    It's  your quite day! That's awesome!
    I hope all your dreams and wishes come true for you today.
  7. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi scottslula,

    My quit date was Feb 1st as well. How are you doing? Coming up to 2 days for me. Been feeling really weird but haven't smoked. I hope your doing well. Learning from my mistakes is the most important element to me. One day at a time.

7 posts, 0 answered