504 posts
31 Dec 2018
02 Feb 2019
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The addict in my head really gave me the full on treatment last night. Just as I'm celebrating one month smoke free, I have the worst evening of cravings since about the first week. It's like in the Soprano's with one of the characters saying "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
For the entire evening I had that hunger/thirst feeling, got really grumpy, restless, and had a hard time focusing. Even had a restless sleep. Through it all I wasn't really tempted to smoke, but that extended craving was a real good reminder of how powerful the addiction is.
What a different way of looking at it though - I was actually annoyed at the craving episode.
To soothe myself this morning I spent a bit of time reading lots of older posts on this site and responded to some newer posts. It feels good to be a part of this larger community of new non-smokers.
Keep the quit going everyone!