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20 days smoke free!

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. katrina.lynn
    katrina.lynn avatar
    4 posts
    14 Apr 2019
    02 May 2019
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    i feel great and very proud of myself 20 days smoke free, I am still using the quick mist spray but only a few times throughout the day. My cravings are not as bad! I noticed when someone else is smoking and I can smell it that’s when it triggers me the most, I almost miss going outside every so often for a cigarette especially now that the weather is getting nice! Is that normal? Quitting is hard but I know it’s for the best, I did it!! Just believe in yourself and think of all the healthily benefits!
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    03 May 2019
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    Hi Katrina.lynn,

    Congrats on 20 days of being smoke free! You've come a long way and that's something to be very proud of.

    What you're experiencing can be pretty common. Especially now that the weather is getting a little nicer. Maybe you could still take some time to go outside, but to do something a little healthier with that time? Maybe a walk?

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    05 May 2019
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    Hi katrina.lynn,

    By now you have been smoke free for over 3 weeks.  Good for you!  You have every reason to be proud of yourself!  It's great that you are using the Quick Mist when needed.  That is what is it there for, to help people get through this process.  So I say, spritz away to keep your addiction at bay!

    And as for missing going outside, I went through the same feelings at work when I first quit.  But that was just another change in my routine for me to get used to.  Like Emily said, maybe you can go out for a quick walk.  Or alternately, go out for a walk at lunch time to enjoy the air.  Just avoid your smoker friends for a while, because it is all too easy to fall back into old habits.

    Have you noticed an improvement in your breathing yet?  Are you finding that you can climb stairs without your heart beating out of your chest?  I remember quickly climbing a few flights of stairs and dashing onto the streetcar.  It was only after I sat down that I realized I wasn't huffing and puffing, and it made me feel really good.  That's just one of the many benefits you will realize as a non-smoker.  Enjoy!
3 posts, 0 answered