Forums / My journey / Trying again, but with an open mind this time.

Trying again, but with an open mind this time.

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. daddyb
    daddyb avatar
    9 posts
    10 Apr 2018
    05 Nov 2018
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    Hello everyone. I've been a member of this community for many years, through many failed quits. I've seen some of my old SHL friends manage to kick this terrible habit and I have to admit I'm so happy for them, and every bit as jealous at the same time. Now it's my turn. I'm going to require a lot of support to keep my head on straight for the first few weeks but I'll manage. I just ran out of cigarettes and after checking my bank account, I discovered I don't have any money to buy more. I'm not complaining, I've quit so many times that I think I've been a non-smoker more often than a smoker. This time I just put out my last smoke and told myself that it was over, I've had enough of this nasty habit and its expense. Right now I'm in a positive frame of mind, and have some nicorette lozenges in case the bad cravings hit and I'm gonna push through and beat this thing.

    Good luck with your quits everyone!! :)

  2. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
    133 posts
    12 Sep 2018
    05 Nov 2018 in reply to daddyb
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    Hi DabbyB,

    I’m glad to hear that you are going to give quitting a try again.

    DabbyB soon you too will be able to manage to kick this terrible habit just like some of your old SHL friends. It's just a matter of time and never forget that each smoker is different.

    It's good to hear you say “I’ve had enough of this nasty habit and its expense”.
    Right now you are in a positive frame of mind you even have the Nicorette lozenges in order to cope with bad cravings and research show that the nicotine replacement therapies you mentioned ( nicorette lozenges ) can double your chance of success.

    Whether you have quit smoking in the past or haven’t begun to quit, these tips can help you manage your cravings today, tomorrow, and months from now:

    1)  Understand why you smoked. Make a list of the times and situations when you smoked. This can help you to recognize your smoking triggers and keep planning ways to deal with them.

    2) Try the 4 D’s:
    Delay – Most cravings will pass in a few minutes. Just wait it out.
    Distract – Take your mind off smoking by getting involved in an activity or thinking of something else to do. Taking a walk, brushing your teeth, listening to music.
    Deep breathing – Breathe in slowly and deeply and then breathe out. Repeat.
    Drink water – Take a sip of water and hold it in your mouth for a while before swallowing.

    Of course, if you have any questions or concerns about quitting, you can call a Smokers’ Helpline Quit Coach at 1-877-513-5333 (toll-free) and visit for your Quit Plan and the Community of quitters.

    You can count on our support 100% because we are there for you!
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
    296 posts
    02 Apr 2018
    06 Nov 2018
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    Hey daddyb,

    Good for you!!  You speak of your mindset - that's what you need to beat this addiction!!  It's not a 'nasty habit', but rather a physical and mental addiction.  NRT's and other aids may make it easier, but ultimately it is our minds and willpower that are required to conquer and prevail.

    Almost everyone I know with a successful quit, myself included, basically woke up one day and decided NO MORE!!!!
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    07 Nov 2018
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    Hi daddyb,

    It's great that you are going to give quitting another chance and that you have a positive attitude.  I hope you can keep it up.

    I used to try to quit, but in the back of my mind, I was saying, "I really can't do it."  But I got to the point where I said, "I HAVE to do it."  I had so many reasons for quitting.  My breathing was terrible.  I had a really bad smoker's cough.  I reeked of smoke.  I heard stories about little kids getting cancer through no fault of their own, and I knew that I was deliberately tempting fate by smoking.  I felt ashamed standing outside by myself in a little alcove puffing away while other people passed by and stared at me.  And the list goes on and on.

    So I changed my attitude.  I decided to get really tough with myself.  I was going to quit smoking no matter what it took.  And I did quit smoking, finally, after more than 43 years.

    You can quit too, daddyb.  Tell yourself that this is it, and hang on tight.  Do whatever you have to do to stay smoke free.  Fight those cravings with everything you've got.  You will face rough times, but they won't last forever.  And once you break free, your life will really change for the better.

    I'm rooting for you, daddyb.  Believe in yourself.
4 posts, 0 answered