Forums / My journey / It's my 5th Anniversary

It's my 5th Anniversary

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  1. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    Today is my fifth anniversary as a non-smoker!  I can hardly believe it.  Had I not quit when I did, I would have smoked over 45,700 cigarettes.  That's a staggering number, eh?

    It has been so nice to wake up every day without my mouth tasting like an ashtray, and without coughing my guts out.  I no longer worry about having bad breath, or about clothes that reek of smoke.  I don't have to find a spot outside where I can light up, feeling like an idiot as I stand in the cold.  I can eat in a restaurant without feeling the need to go outside to smoke.  Having to leave the table always embarrassed me.  My teeth and gums are healthier, my circulation is better, and I have regained about a year of life.  And I have more money in my pocket.

    I quit cold turkey after having smoked for over 43 years, and it was the best thing I could have ever done.  I will forever be grateful for this site, which was a lifeline for me.  I learned how to quit successfully, and I made a lot of friends along the way.

    You all rock, you really do.  Whether you have quit or are still struggling to quit, you are heading in the right direction.  Don't give up, keep fighting!  You can slay this beast we call addiction and emerge triumphant.  Give yourself the gift of a smoke free life.  You deserve it!
  2. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. What a journey you concord  your quit. Those numbers of how many do add up quick. I'm only 2 months and finding some of the same things you are. I'mfinding people that still smoke stink awful bad. I can smell those cigarettes from a mile away. What an awful smell. I'm finding I'm breathing a lot better. And not coughing as much. Plus how tastey food can be. I'm trying to not over eat. But of I put on and extra pound or so I'm not to worried.Exercising really helps me. Anyways congratulations 
  3. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hey Treepeo, Five years as a non smoker is a truly wonderful Anniversary to have under your belt...I hope you do something special for yourself as I know what a difficult journey it can be! I believe it was your post that I read when I first quit, to just live by NOPE, "not one puff ever" that has got me through some rough times of just thinking I could have One smoke! I soon realized that one smoke would never be enough. although it took a lot of deep breaths and talking to myself, I hung in there and like you I am now enjoying all the benefits of quitting! Congrats and thank you for all your helpful posts, along with others sharing their ups and downs, it made the difference between giving up, or persevering past this addiction. It really can be beat!! -mm
  4. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    05 Feb 2019
    31 Dec 2021 in reply to treepeo1
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    Hi treepeo1,

    Wow what a huge milestone, congratulations on celebrating 5 years of living a beautiful smoke free life. You are such an inspiration for me! Thank you for all your encouragement, support & help along the way. Keep rocking your quit! 
    Last modified on 31 Dec 2021 11:25 by wandam
  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Dear, Dear Treepeo

    All I can say is "Thank You" and "Congratulations!!!!!".  You have helped myself, and so many others here, to enjoy the freedom and dignity of being a non-smoker.  Besides the 45,700 unsmoked cigarettes you mention, you can also claim some of my unsmoked cigarettes as you motivated and offered your gentle guidance to get me over every smallest hump or unclimbable mountain.  With your help, and that of others here as well, I am coming up quickly on 4 years myself.

    I wish you nothing but joy for 2022 and beyond.  Take care my friend.

  6. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    03 Jan 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    And who, diguised as a mild mannered soul, just trying to get through the next 10 minutes, the next craving, the next hour, the rest of the day.... without a smoke.... turned out to be a super quit buddy, super mentor, super supporter and, I dare say, a super hero among us? Treepeo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations good friend!
    Thanks in large part to you, I too, am celebrating 5 yrs smoke free today. Thank you once again. NOPE!
  7. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi wimporswim,

    A huge congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!  Can you believe we did it?  Holy cow, remember those early days of desperately waiting for the latest craving to pass?  Wondering if we could truly make it through the next 10 minutes, the next half hour?  Fighting like crazy to hold on?  Look at us now!  We slayed the beast, and are so much better for it!

    Thank you, my dear quit buddy.  I am so lucky I had you by my side through this wild journey.  I couldn't have done it without you.  We are proof positive that where there's a will, there's definitely a way!
  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    5 years is amazing.. you are a true inspiration to all of us newbies on our quit journies and proof positive that it can be done. You must be so proud of yourself for kicking that filthy habit into touch for yourself but also knowing that your helping so many of us along our difficult paths.... NOPE is the best thing ever. When I feel like lighting up I say that to myself and the craving whimpers away like the coward it is. 
8 posts, 0 answered