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Figured “me” out

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. mina
    mina avatar
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    17 May 2018
    31 Jul 2020
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    Hello again. Just want to thank everyone who replied to my “back ungainly” post. Your thoughts and encouraging words are very much appreciated. Your support means a lot to me, more than you could ever know.

     I think I have “me” figured out.  When I quit other times, it wasn’t so much the quitting for me, although that was definitely hard for sure, I know I can get through that part, but I the reason I started again each time was because at around the 6 month mark I realized that yes, I did quit, and yes, I did feel better physically and mentally, but nothing else changed.  I guess I was expecting my quit to change all aspects of my life other than just my body, and I became severely disappointed, thinking what’s the point to feeling healthy in a life that doesn’t give anything back to me in other areas, so I started smoking again and gave up.  So now I am wondering how to cope with the idea that nothing in my life will change except my health, and what reason is there to be healthy if you don’t have anything to look forward to or hope for? 

    Sorry fo being long winded.  

    Thank you all for your kind words & support.

    Have a great day!

  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    31 Jul 2020 in reply to mina
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    Hi Mina,

    Thanks for your honesty.

    You are not alone in this. Many people we speak to do not know what to do with themselves and feel 'off' or 'down' after quitting. When we quit smoking, we may find we have a lot of free time on our hands that used to be taken up by our smoking lifestyle. One of the things we recommend to people who are quitting is to pick up an old interest/hobby that you used to have time for before we started to smoke, or to find new interests and hobbies that you could do better now as a non-smoker. 

    Another idea is to reward yourself for being a non-smoker at milestones, such as your 6 month quit date. This way, you can plan something that you know you will enjoy. I hope you find hope, and something that you can look forward to.


    Last modified on 31 Jul 2020 15:05 by jenna lee, quit coach
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    31 Jul 2020
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    Hi Mina

    You are not alone, you are doing great Is just our addiction, the wrong and negative part of the quit!
    As far we are away from smokes the better. Remember all the positive from quitting when you feel alone!
    Remember how hard it was to quit!

    No matter what we made the right choice! No more hearting our self!

    And that is Amassing! I am so glad you posted!

    Keep the good work, Never give up!

    All the best 
3 posts, 0 answered