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Time to be free

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi everyone

    i am been Nrt free for a week and I survive, I think I can do it from now on. I feel a bit desperate but I know how to deal with that!

    Enjoy life free of it!
  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Brieffree,

    You certainly can do this!  Please feel free to share your coping skills with us now that you are not using anymore nrt.  

    Best Wishes,

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Way to go, brieffree!  A whole week of no NRTs is great!  But don't push yourself too hard.  If you are getting really desperate, I would suggest using them  again and trying again later.  Remember, the most important thing is to stay smoke free.  And you are doing such a good job, brieffree!  Keep it up.
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Thank you all

    With all the candy, and Nrt, nuts and Carrots, I have enough

    Last 2 times I bought my Spray I was seen that I was been to attached to it, so I have 1 empty spray and I am not planning to buy an other one.

    Deep Briefing is calming me down, and drink a lot water. Also I feel very strong the feeling to stay free of smoke.

    We can do this, one day at the time!
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Me again,

    Well I just come back from buying my Nrt spray.
    I was totally out of control inside of me, like I never quit!

    I went to the store buy it and did not use it for 1 hs, then I use it 1 time and that was it.
    Was like all the world go back to the way it was, I feel calm again, that Monster inside of me I guess have what it wont, just seat down and relax.

    An other day in my Quit Journey!

    1000 craving at the time! Never ever 1 puff again! Enjoy smoke free day!

    Be the Power!
  6. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi brieffree,

    I know you hadn't planned on getting more nrt spray, but if it is going to help you stay smoke free, it may be helpful to continue with it for now.

    Glad to hear you also have a lot of other strategies you can turn to.

    Have a great evening,

  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi brieffree,

    I am glad you got more spray.  If you're not ready to go without it right now, big deal.  Look how far it has taken you.  You have been a non-smoker for so long now.  You need to keep the quit no matter what it takes.

    Don't worry about using an NRT, brieffree.  You are doing great, and you should be so proud of yourself!  Not One Puff Ever, my Friend!  KTQ
  8. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hi Brieffree,

    You can do it.  You are doing so great!  Keep on the good work.
8 posts, 0 answered