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22 posts, 0 answered
  1. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
    255 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    28 Nov 2017
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    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome to the new Smokers' Helpline website!

    Enjoy exploring the website and setting up your profile and quit meter. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post in the forums or contact us directly at or call in at 1-877-513-5333.

    Have a great day,

    Last modified on 28 Nov 2017 11:38 by emily, quit coach
  2. hipster
    hipster avatar
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    Hi Emily, I can't seem to locate where I add an image to go with my profile?  Also can we no longer see who is in the community forum or send a PM to another user?
  3. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Hey hipster,

    Welcome back! So the quick answer to all of your questions is no, these features are not currently available on It has been a difficult balancing act keeping as many key features as we can, within the timelines and budget we have had to work with, and profile avatars was something I fought for, but we ultimately couldn't make it work in this first version of the site.

    Now, with that said, this is not going to be the only version of the site ever. We are committed to more frequent improvements to the site, and will continue to work to find the funds to make that happen. You will see some minor changes and improvements over the next few days, weeks, and months and we want to continue to hear from you about what you would most like to see in the future.

    For now, please explore the site as it exists today, and we will keep the lines of communication open as we go.
  4. avatar
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    Make sense now kyle thanks!

  5. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Glad to help.

    As an aside, I see you've used your e-mail address for your username (which can be seen by the public). If you'd like to change that, feel free to drop me an e-mail and I'll fix it up for you.

  6. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    28 Nov 2017 in reply to kyle @ smokers helpline
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    I am back now... sad to see no more avatars... also the quit meter does not display in the threads as well. :(
  7. hipster
    hipster avatar
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    Thanks Kyle, a big part of my success in quitting was the relationships I formed with other members.  Having the avatars and quit summary on each post made it easy to recognize other members and form a 'quit buddy' relationship.  The new site seems much more detached, I hope that the coming changes improve this.  I will also miss the PM feature as it was nice to be able to share and support on an individual basis.
  8. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    I agree with you hipster that this website seems to be "detached", also at an individual level. i.e All I can see is how much I saved, and how many years I have been quit. It does not give me how many days I have been quit, for.  Quit meter by days motivated me to stay quit every day as it brought me joy and encouragement every day seeing my progress.

    Personally, I think there was nothing wrong with the old site SHO.  Not sure why it needed a fix like this when it was not broken, and served it's purpose.

  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
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    Hi Emily

    The site is fine if you think to quit for 1 time!

    Know for me and many more Old Users of the site I guess we we get a bit anxious to see it again, let give us the chance to get use to it and continue be focus and our Quit!
    Big Hug for Everyone!

    One day at the time!
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    I agree with you, Jeyan.  I liked seeing my quit meter all the time, as well as everyone else's.  It helped keep me motivated, and helped me to respond to others.  This system is detached.  I'll stick with it for now, but so far I am not impressed.  Sorry to say that, because I know that a lot of work went into this new system, but I don't know if |I can get used to this.
  11. kishu
    kishu avatar
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    I can't say I'm impressed.
  12. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Treepeo, Kishu

    You people have encourage me for a long run the last 2and 1/2 years, I do not want to change that. Let use the Site as we can to help each other as we know and focus only in our quit to be a Better and stronger Non Smokers!

    Newoportunity all Pal as know briefffree
  13. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    So nice to see the familiar names (Kishu / Treepeo / Jeyan / hipster / etc), but it would've been kinda nice to be able to quickly recognise those people from their Avatar(s)...
    No biggie: Cuz that's certainly one of the most minor concerns that I care about with this site anyways... The most important thing is the SUPPORT via both the members and staff that I have come to rely on these past few years now.

    Among that support system was one of the most important "DRIVES" that kept me going: The "mileage meter" that accompanied every post, showing the proven progress of each member, and helping to push the other members to succeed as well.
    ...Hopefully, they are eventually able to at least bring that feature back.

    As for the avatars, there is obviously Avatar support already built-into the forum system that they chose to utilize, since we all now seem to have a generic profile icon beside each of our posts.
    Presumably, it'll just be a matter of time until that feature has been restored as well.

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim.
    Oh - and I've still managed to maintain my Online Resources for those that like to take advantage of them:
  14. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Just my 2 cents worth - For me, figuring out this new site will be a piece of cake compared to what I was going through 330 days ago!!!!!! I have to keep on swimming. Please hang in there-all of you brave souls! 

    My Mileage
    Smoke-Free Days: 330
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 9,900
    Amount Saved: $4,039.20
    Life Gained:
    Days: 66 Hrs: 14 Mins: 30 Seconds: 19
  15. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Everyone,

    Along with Emily and Kyle, on behalf of the other Quit Coaches, we extend our warmest greetings to you!   

    For those of you who have joined us from our former site, we are so happy you are here so that we can reunite and continue our walk together.  You will come to recognize us as we participate in the forums once again.  And to those new members, we look forward to getting to know you better and are excited for you as you embark on this smoke-free journey with us.  

    We really appreciate everyone's feedback and certainly can relate to what you are expressing.  As Kyle has shared, things will be evolving over time.  We are looking forward to the new opportunities this site will provide.  

    Having said that, in the meantime, our goal together is to promote our individuality by sharing our progress and unifying our community.  It is what you all do best so that will never change!  As Brieffree, Buttingout2014 and Wimporswim have summed up, this site is the platform to get encouraged and stay strong!  

    We know our members are a creative group.  So perhaps you can think of a word/phrase/quote/character or symbol to start your posts with that will give you a sense of personalization for yourself and to others.   Likewise, adding your smoke-free days to the beginning of end or your posts?  

    Any thoughts Jeyan, Hipster, Treepeo, Kishu and others?  

    Brainstorming is a great distraction from smoking, getting the creative juices flowing.   We Quit Coaches have our thinking caps on too.  

    Let's see how we can build together.  This is your site to create.  You each have wonderfully contributed and can continue to do so.  Focusing on the positive support through daily pledges, quotes and discussions.  

    We can do this, here for one another!

  16. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Marianne, do you know the link to access the old website?
  17. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    Hey Jeyan;

    I already replied to your request in the other section, but here's a direct link to the OLD site:

    ...Keep in mind, that today is the FINAL day to access our old site, so if you want to copy down a certain post, picture, or stats - NOW is your last chance!!!

    "If I have just ONE, I'll be right back where I started...Desperately wishing I was where I am today."

    - Your QUIT buddy, Jim.

    My Mileage:

    My Quit Date: 1/27/2014
    Smoke-Free Days: 1403
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 35,075
    Amount Saved: $15,433.00

    [Check out my Online Resources]

  18. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    I know that it is incredibly difficult to create a new site.  Not that I know how to do it myself, but my friends in IT where I work have told me that there is a lot involved.  So I do appreciate all of the work that was done to create this.  Yes, it's different, and yes, it will take some getting used to.  But like Kyle and others have said, it will change over time, so let's try to keep an open mind.  At least one thing has not changed, and that is that we all have each other.

    My dear friend Wimporswim is absolutely right.  If we can quit smoking, we can handle getting used to this new site.  Let's stick with it.  I need all of my friends here at SHO!!!
  19. lithan44
    lithan44 avatar
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    You've got me!!! Hugs!
  20. ccwhale
    ccwhale avatar
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    Made it to the new site. Nice to be here and continue the Journey! FYI - would like to upload a profile picture but can't find the option in my account. I will keep looking.
  21. paul, quit coach
    paul, quit coach avatar
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    04 Dec 2017 in reply to ccwhale
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    Good day,

    At this time, members are not able to provide upload avatars/profile pictures. This suggestion is on the list of requests for future upgrades.

    Please check our 'suggestions and technical issues' forum for periodic updates.

    Warmest regards,
    Last modified on 04 Dec 2017 10:24 by paul, quit coach
  22. cricky
    cricky avatar
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    23 Dec 2017 in reply to jeyan
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    Hi Jeyan just figured out the new site glad to see some familiar names and I missed the daily count as well. It kept me motivated to post every 50 days like I was. Still smoke free and I guess that is the main mission for this site. Wishing every one a Merry Christmas . Cricky
22 posts, 0 answered