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29 Nov 2017
23 Jan 2018
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Hi Missy05,
Woohoo, 16 days! Way to go!
I know it may seem daunting to know that you are going to be hanging out with smokers. I will admit that the sometimes I feel like the odd woman out. But on the other hand, I tell myself that I had the strength to do something amazing, that being to quit. And let's face it, I think most people would like to quit, but they are just not ready for one reason or the other. So instead of being envious when I am with friends or family who still smoke, I feel a sense of pride. I also know that I| am setting a good example, by showing them that it really is possible to quit if you want to. You know, lead by example and all that.
I also know what you mean about a lack of sleep. That is one thing that drove me crazy my first month. I was much better able to handle cravings after I had a nap and felt refreshed. So I am glad you are getting more sleep, albeit without the Champix. I just hope you can hold on without it, because you are doing great.
Keep the quit, Missy. You will thank yourself for it.