Forums / My journey / Day 38

Day 38

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  1. missy05
    missy05 avatar
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    At 8 pm it will be 16 glorious smoke free days. As this is my umpteenth quit attempt, I do know that I much prefer life as a non smoker. I also know that if I start, I will want to quit. 
    Up until 3 days ago, I was using champix. I have used it before with no issues. This time I had huge difficulties with sleep. I was waking up numerous times a night and I just couldn’t handle the lack of sleep. The level of tired was sort of like having a newborn all over again. Anyway, since I have been not using it, I have noticed some increase in cravings. However, I refuse to give in. I am also sleeping more soundly .
    This weekend, my Mom is coming to visit who is a heavy smoker. I am also playing in a volleyball tournament where a couple of my close teammates are heavy smokers. So I am looking to a weekend surrounded by smokers. Just keep telling myself that all I need to do is get through this weekend and I will be okay. 
    I have also noticed how amazing I feel and how hard I can push myself during exercise. I think that’s been the biggest bonus. 
    Anyway.. :) Just some random day 16 thoughts. One of my goals was to be accountable to this forum (as it’s different then any other previous quits) in the hopes that this is my forever quit.
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Missy05,

    Woohoo, 16 days!  Way to go!

    I know it may seem daunting to know that you are going to be hanging out with smokers.  I will admit that the sometimes I feel like the odd woman out.  But on the other hand, I tell myself that I had the strength to do something amazing, that being to quit.  And let's face it, I think most people would like to quit, but they are just not ready for one reason or the other.  So instead of being envious when I am with friends or family who still smoke, I feel a sense of pride.  I also know that I| am setting a good example, by showing them that it really is possible to quit if you want to.  You know, lead by example and all that.

    I also know what you mean about a lack of sleep.  That is one thing that drove me crazy my first month.    I was much better able to handle cravings after I had a nap and felt refreshed.  So I am glad you are getting more sleep, albeit without the Champix.  I just hope you can hold on without it, because you are doing great.

    Keep the quit, Missy.  You will thank yourself for it.
  3. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Oh wow, you've got some challenges coming your way, but you can do it!  It helps to feel rested again, I've taken to desperate power naps some days, they really help.  Congratulations on 16 days!  I'm a week behind you and feeling strong as well, but my downfall usually starts at Day 60 to 100, I've just got to get over that hump and then I'll feel much stronger.
  4. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hi Missy05,

    This is wonderful!  16 days, Congrats.  You have a weekend challenge but you will be fine one day at a time.
  5. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Missy05,

    Way to go with your smoke-free days and counting.  And really living it up as a non-smoker.  Nice to hear of all your bonuses early in your quit.    

    It is worthwhile to check in with your doctor re: champix dosing.  Especially if it was helpful before, your physician can help identify your options.    

    Treepeo has good experience with being around smokers.  Keep us posted and connect over the weekend especially. 

    You got this! 

  6. missy05
    missy05 avatar
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    Well, I made it the weekend. I just about broke down last night, was so very tempted. Because I didn’t, I am feeling so proud of myself. In 45 minutes, I will hit 21 days being smoke free!!! 
  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Missy05,

    I am so happy to hear that you made it through the weekend without caving.  Way to go!  I know it couldn't have been easy, so you should be really super proud of yourself!  You will face other challenges throughout your quit.  What you have to do is figure out a way to cope with them without lighting up.  The more you resist the urges, the easier it will get.  And you will continue to make new memories, but this time as a non-smoker.

    Congratulations on your 3 weeks!  That is a huge accomplishment!  KTQ!
  8. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Good job missy05! We can do this!
  9. missy05
    missy05 avatar
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    Today is day 38. It wasn’t a particularly stressful day, quite uneventful actually. I have had much more stressful days in the last 38 days. However, today, I really had a difficult time. For some reason I wanted to smoke so bad and the thoughts came all throughout the day. I kept reminding myself that I would regret smoking and that I would be looking to quit again. In the end, I really really do not want to be a smoker. I wish it would just leave me alone already, lol. It’s like an ex that you cannot get rid of. 
    Last modified on 14 Feb 2018 22:47 by missy05
  10. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Missy05,

    You are so good at keeping the big picture in your mind. That kind of attitude takes so much strength and wisdom. I hope you can recognize that within. 38 days is pretty fantastic don't you think? This knowledge that you have will help you say good bye to this for good. 

    Be kind to yourself today, you deserve it. It will go away, it will move on eventually. Keep us posted!


10 posts, 0 answered