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Extreme fatigue

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. mike o
    mike o avatar
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    I’m 3 weeks in and my family energy levels are dwindling not increasing.

    I have a thought ooh I’ll go swimming tomorrow when it comes around- I feel like lead. Could go to sleep.

    does the fatigue ever cease or should I expect this is as good as it gets?

    that I am am basically done ?

    I am eating like a horse putting on a stone in 3 weeks taking vitamins eating greens- nothing I could sleep 16 hours a day if not for 10 litres of coffee and 2 litres soda per day that helps me stay awake in order to work 

    Last modified on 10 Jun 2022 15:18 by mike o
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    3 weeks. Congrats 👏. It gets better. Your energy will come back. 

  3. mike o
    mike o avatar
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    Cheers mate we will see. I had hoped but now not sure it will. If it does it does if it doesn’t it doesn’t. Not a right lot I can do about it other than try to manage the situation - maybe manage down the situation- prioritise what little energy there is left and cut out the rest. I’m thinking maybe it is time to give up work it’s been coming for some time. Make the break. Find the way. Then I might get some quality of life and be able to have energy for self care and running a home also.
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi Mike

    Welcome to the forums. I remember when I first quit I was tired all the time. I started going to bed early and slept in as late as I could. That seems to be normal when we quit smoking. Have you heard about an energy drink called berocca? Maybe something like that might help.
  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hi Mike, 

    When we quit, our body does strange things. It is different for everyone. I recall being really tired, and it is really tiring to fight cravings, to heal, to chart new paths and new ways. I recall drinking lots of water, and I still maintain the lots of water habit, it is great for so much in your health. You mentioned sleeping a lot and having trouble staying awake for work - thus drinking lots of caffeine and sugar. I have had this exact issue, and I found the tiredness does go away, but if it does last too long, you may need extra assistance from your doctor or health professional. the habit of smoking can be connected to emotional issues and when we quit, we find that we need to find other ways to cope. It took me a long time to find positive ways - I'm still working at that daily!  Baby steps = keep it one day at a time. and NOPE - not one puff ever. 
  6. mike o
    mike o avatar
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    Hi Dubliguy,

    Many thanks for the response & encouragement.

    An elongated sleep is a good call.

    Berocca not a bad shout either I used to use them wen I had early starts and long shifts- certainly good for a interim lift👍

    Best Regards 

  7. mike o
    mike o avatar
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    Hi Aurora,

    Many thanks for sharing- I see what you are saying.

    I do think anything heronin from stopping smoking does have underlying causes and needs to be approached separately.

    The array of new choices and decisions you are right once more thinking about it has been tiring. 

    You are 3rd time right that one day at a time and baby steps is the way. Also not one puff ever is the best way to avoid restarting.

    I am now following your advice pretty much to the letter.

    One day at a time.

    No expectations. What I can’t do today i will do Tomorrow.

    baby steps all the way with everything.

    when I over think or fell over whelmed I stop do something else  switch off.

    Will build in vitamin supplements like berocca & scheduled additional sleep breaks to to try to energise along with extenuating input when feeling fatigue to build stamina.

    hopefully this will result in enough vigour to start regular excercise again- we’ll see!😀

    Many thanks again!

    Best Regards 


  8. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi mike o,

    Congrats on your more than 3 weeks smoke free.  Quitting is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself.

    I am a little alarmed by all the coffee and soda you drink.  That alone is hard on your body, as your sugar levels go up and down like a yo yo.  If this is what you feel you have to drink to get you through work, maybe it is in fact time to quit your job.  And maybe work on trying to reduce your intake of these drinks on a gradual basis.

    I know it sounds stupid, but exercise has been shown to increase energy levels.  It can be tiring at first, but gradually you get used to it.  My only real form of exercise is walking, but I find that if I miss even one day of going for a walk, I feel sluggish the following day.  So some form of exercise might be something you want to explore.

    Stay strong and believe in yourself.  Live by NOPE and you will make this quit stick!
  9. mike o
    mike o avatar
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    Hi Treepio,

    Many thanks for your response.

    I do drink a lot of coffee and soda- all sugar free. 

    I am now looking to manage down the caffeine to caffeine free drinks then take it from there.

    You’re right on the exercise I’m building up to it- as of last week I felt like a swim on a couple of days- now however I’m needing when I’ve got the energy to catch up on house and garden tasks so the exercise back on the back burner for at least a couple of days.

    other than that 4 weeks in now - minds like cheese many bouts of fatigue even after 2-3 hour shopping trips in the town.

    Feel it worthwhile to give up in the long  run and I get motifs if optimism for energy etc and am also quite inspired but also feel leaden and overwhelmed at times too.

9 posts, 0 answered