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4 Weeks Ago

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
    140 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    17 Nov 2018
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    Where does the time go? Four weeks ago I started this journey and am so pleased with the result. I know i have had it easier than most, but may be the most vulnerable in a relapse for that reason. I do go out on breaks with smokers, and it does not bother me.  I sat beside my husband while he smoked , again no problem. 

    I am happy to say that he is now quit as well for 12 days after reading Allan Carr's book, The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently. 

    The CBQ ... Cognital Behaviour Quit  would also be a good option for others quitting. Look at seminars, get invites to webinars and learn some valuable tools to use during your quit, without going the whole way and buying the program in its entirety. 

    I will check in on this site regularly in the future to remind myself of my journey and to help others in theirs. I have left enough information for others to become Happy Non-Smokers too. Regardless of how you choose to quit, it is one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life. Keep up the good spirits friends and treat yourselves well with the savings and benefits of quitting smoking. 
    Last modified on 06 Dec 2018 10:50 by shazzan
1 posts, 0 answered