Forums / My journey / Prepare


4 posts, 0 answered
  1. bnca
    bnca avatar
    1 posts
    26 Nov 2021
    26 Nov 2021
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    I didn't enter a contest or ask for help coming on here after 12 full days of not smoking, I just want to encourage others to give it a shot, IT'S NOT HORRIBLE!!! The most important thing I did was prepare, my doc asked me this last spring if I would consider quitting & I said my plan was to in the fall/winter when the weather gets bad; my thought process there was that I don't enjoy going out into the snow & cold. So my quit date was Nov 14th. I read Alan Carr's 'Easy Way to Stop Smoking' which taught me that I did not give anything up; I took back my freedom, my finances & my health. I also wore a half of a 21mg nicotine patch for the first 10 days until I forgot to put one on on the 11th so now I'm not bothering with those anymore. & I'm not gonna lie it has been easy & I smoked for over 40 years. Many people have asked me "don't you wish you did it sooner?" & what I say to that is "what difference does it make?", that's not helpful. We do it when the time is right & I can't emphasize enough that, for me, being prepared mentally was the most important factor. At the moment I'm tired a lot & I have really vivid & exhausting dreams but I have read that is temporary, that my body is just getting used to living without all of those nasty chemicals. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! & my wish for you is the very easiest of days quitting. 
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    28 Jun 2018
    26 Nov 2021 in reply to bnca
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    Hi bnca,

    Thank you so much for encouraging others by sharing your quit journey with us. A big congratulations on your success. We are thrilled to hear that the methods you chose such as the book and patches worked for you.

    You took some time to plan as well: spoke with your doctor, you thought about what time of year would be best to quit, you had your resources, etc. You also offer great advice regarding how to respond to others who have opinions about your quit journey. It is a personal things and you are handling the comments with respect.

    Lastly, regarding the withdrawals, you are correct. The are symptoms of your body healing and do get better with time.

    All the best in your future success,

    Jenna Lee
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
    26 Nov 2021 in reply to bnca
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    Hi bnca,

    Congrats on your 12 smoke free days!  That is wonderful.

    You have great insight and a positive attitude.  Both of those will help you to quit successfully.  I agree with you.  The past is the past, and you can't change it.  And anyway, you have to be truly ready to quit.  I smoked for over 43 years and about five years ago, I felt it was my time to quit.  I quit cold turkey.  The first month was hell, but I was prepared  for what I would face.  I had read the info on this site and it was really helpful.  It may sound stupid, but I had no idea how to go about quitting, and this site taught me a lot about what to do and about coping mechanisms to try.  That info, combined with the support of our members, was enough to get me through the rough times.

    I applaud you for posting in order to encourage others to quit.  It has been important to me to try to give back as well.  If we can help even one person to quit, then it is all worth it.

    I wish you continued success in your journey.  Remember NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).  If you never take one puff, you will be a non-smoker forever.
  4. jovigirl47
    jovigirl47 avatar
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    02 Dec 2021
    02 Dec 2021 in reply to bnca
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    Thank you for your motivational message. I set my quit date, consulted with my doctor for a prescription, set up a consultation with a counselor with my company's EFAP provider and believe planning is key in addressing the psychology in helping me be successful.
4 posts, 0 answered