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One day or Day One?

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. viola
    viola avatar
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    29 Sep 2021
    30 Sep 2021
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    Hello,  Just putting myself out here.  I've had lots of one days and today is day one.  I am happy I'm trying and have the support of some family members but it is really hard so far and it's only 8 a.m.  I'm an early riser so part of my routine is to have a tea and sit outside in the dark and quiet and enjoy my first and usually second smoke of the day.  Any tips or suggestions on how to distract myself from urges or cravings?  I do plan on going for a walk or doing some sort of exercise when I need to distract myself that takes so much more effort than just sitting outside with a smoke. Hopefully tomorrow will be day 2 for me.  Good luck to us all.  Our health is so important.  
  2. annemac
    annemac avatar
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    30 Sep 2021 in reply to viola
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    You need to change your routine. Sit somewhere different.... it's getting cold, you don't need to go outside  cuz you are not smoking. I am on Day 5 and it is tough. REALLY tough.
  3. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello & welcome Viola! We are so glad you are here, and congratulations on making change with your smoking.

    Thank you for sharing as well - you are so very aware of your triggers, and where you might need some extra
    annemac provided some great suggestions: changing up your routine so, for example, you are not sitting in the usual place, can really help. Some people find they have to switch out tea (or coffee) for another warm beverage, and even hold something between your fingers (straw/stir stick/pen/pencil) to help keep temptation low.

    Its important you still get your quiet time - its just going to be a different kind of quiet time now, Viola. A walk around the block can still be very peaceful and give you time with your thoughts before every one else wakes up. Great idea!

    Congrats to you both, Viola and annemac, and every one taking it one day at a time. You're doing SUCH a great job.

    Warm regards,
  4. viola
    viola avatar
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    04 Oct 2021 in reply to annemac
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    You are right.  Routine has changed and I am doing well so far.  Today will be day 5 so I am where you were when you responded to me.  I hope you are doing well too.  Thanks for the post and we got this!
  5. viola
    viola avatar
    3 posts
    29 Sep 2021
    04 Oct 2021 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Thank you Sarah.  It is really hard.  Every morning I wake up and think I want to smoke but as the day goes on and I distract myself when I have cravings, I find that I don't have such a strong craving each morning.  I hope that I can keep this up as my health is more important than smoking.  
5 posts, 0 answered