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Set a date. Starting champix. I've tried everything else.

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  1. lalalaura
    lalalaura avatar
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    Hi... I have tried everything to try and quit over the years except medication and a support group. I am a 2 time cancer survivor and still can't kick this awful habit. I reflect and realize my life is full of routines...that surround my cigarettes.
    Break at work? Smoke 2
    Come home from work? Smoke to unwind.
    Get in the car? Light up
    Get on the highway? Time for another.
    Having a coffee? Better have 2 just in case

    I have tried replacement therapy. I have tried cold Turkey. I've tried distractions and vaping. Nothing has helped curb my routine smoking.

    On Sunday I will take my first dose of champix and I'm hoping with support this will be my last attempt.
    I don't want to hit my next birthday with a smoke in my mouth. I'm too old for this.
  2. kittie_v
    kittie_v avatar
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    Welcome the community lalalaura!

    You will find some really great resources and support here to help you through your quit.  It is truly a great place to be when times get tough.

    I am on day 10 of my quit and I have found having water around during my trigger times really helps.  When I get the cravings I slowly drink the water and eventually forget about the craving - until the next trigger any way.  But the good news is the those triggers eventually stop becoming triggers and some pretty quickly.  ie. waking up and have that morning cigarette to start my day, I was over that one within the first week of my quit!

    This journey is very tough but absolutely possible and there are a great group of people here to attest to that. 

    Good luck and post often :D
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    I know you have tried to quit numerous times before.  That's okay.  Try to learn from each of your attempts. 

    You are used to your routines.  We all are.  I did the same kind of stuff that you did.  2 or 3 cigs before I left for work.  Smoke break morning and afternoon, and had another at lunch.  Sometimes one right after work before getting on the subway to go home.  And I had tried to quit in the past, too.  The difference this time was that I really meant it.  I knew that this was my time to quit and I would not allow myself to give in.  Period.

    Quitting smoking is hard.  You have to seriously want to quit, and you have to be willing to be tough on yourself.

    In your case, think about things you can do to change your routines.  Look at the non-smokers at your work.  What do they do when they need a little break?  Perhaps make a cup of coffee or tea, or grab a glass of water.  Have a little chat with a co-worker.  Maybe have a snack.  When you get home, why not check your emails, read a little, watch a favorite show, or go for a walk?  You have to be willing to change things up a bit.  At first it feels weird, but you get used to it fairly quickly.  And once you get the ball rolling, it can be fun to challenge yourself.  Ask yourself, "What can I do differently to get through this moment without smoking?"  And then give yourself a pat on the back when you are successful.

    Give this attempt a sincere shot, and keep posting here, because we are all here to help each other.  You can be a non-smoker, lalalaura.  Believe in yourself.  I am rooting for you.
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Welcome to help line

    Here you will find a lot resources very helpful to your journey to freedom!

    you might  use the 4d to distract from the crave

    Distract your self when the crave comes, do something instead!

    Drink plenty water, when you quit your body ask for water! the crave will be  less intensive and go away!

    Discus with someone else about how you feel!  you will find a lot support!

    Do something instead, keep your self on task, busy, do something with all that time you were busy smoking!

    One day at the time! you can do this!
  5. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    Welcome to the our little community, glad you joined, the support here is great, both members & coaches are very helpful. 
    I too quit with Champix, thinking it probably wouldn’t work for me. I’m now in my 4 month of being smoke free. The beginning is super tough, But as time passes the cravings get less & your routine becomes that of a Non Smoker, where you get comfortable & use to not having cigarettes in your daily life.
    I still struggle from time to time with wanting to smoke, especially with this beautiful spring weather, big trigger for me lately, yet I’m determined to keep working my quit! It truly is one day at time!
    Sending you tones of support, you can do this!
  6. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi Kittie,

    Big Congrats on far you have come on your journey, keep up the great work!
  7. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    Welcome to the forum! It seems you have been thinking a lot about your smoking, and identifying your patterns and routines. This is great, because it gives you a place to start identifying alternative things to do instead of smoking. It seems other community members have given you some great advice and suggestions to help you adjust those routines.

    You are clearly determined to quit, because you have not stopped trying. Persistence will get you there; many smokers make numerous attempts before they are successful. As treepeo highlighted, each attempt is an opportunity to learn.

    I really hope the Champix helps you on this quit. Keep us posted! You've got this and you can absolutely be a non-smoker!

    Also, kittie_v, congratulations on making 10 days smoke-free and thanks so much for motivating others as they start their quits!

    Take care,
    Kate R
  8. lalalaura
    lalalaura avatar
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    Thank you so much for your support!I am officially at 10 days smoke free today. Took about a week to cut down. On my mast day before starting the medication I counted my cigarettes... 21! Holy!the next day I cut that in half through willpower. And half again the next day. I was stuck in 5 for 2 days. Then suddenly 1 (before work) . Then I had a drag the next day and decided that was enough. Haven't touched one in 10 whole days now!
    I want to, but I keep reminding myself to change the way I think. Like instead of "I'd really like to sit on the balcony and have a smome"i say " I'd like to sit on the balcony and have a nice cup of tea" . The first few says I skipped my breaks at work ...but got brain tired so I have been walking away from my office and doing for a walk outside...avoiding the smoking area.
    I do still socialize but I keep a toothpick or coffee stir stick at hand to chew on if i get am urge .. which are decreasing.
    I'm doing it!
  9. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    WooHoo, way to go!!!  You have been smoke free for 10 whole days, that is terrific!  You should be so proud of yourself!  I have an idea of how hard you have worked to get to this point, having gone through it myself.  You have guts and determination, and those qualities are going to take you all the way.

    I am sending positive thoughts your way, lalalaura.  Keep up the good work.  You are getting it done in a big way!  Yippee!  You go, girl.
  10. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    Hooray for you! Ten days was a week ago; hopefully you have continued to stay strong and committed to your quit.

    As treepeo says, you have guts and determination. I'm impressed as well with your ability to change the way you think, both in terms of re-thinking routines (sitting on the balcony) but also your overall thoughts about smoking. Like you say, "I'm too old for this." It's no longer acceptable for you, no matter what!

    Thanks for keeping us posted,
  11. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    Hi lalalaura,

    Congratulations because you have not stopped trying.

    I'm glad to hear that this time you are planning to use the Champix because it can double or even triple your chances of successfully quitting.

    How was your experience with the Champix?
    I hope this will be your last attempt.

    Join us in the Smokers’ Helpline Online community and let us know how you’re handling your habits, or call us at 1-877-513-5333 for more support and strategies. 

    Keep us posted!
11 posts, 0 answered