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Hi. My story

25 posts, 0 answered
  1. dar
    dar avatar
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    26 Jan 2018
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    Hi I just joined today.  Iwant to quit and have gone from over a pack a day to 15 to 20 a day.  But its hard when you have no one to talk too as most everyone I know smokes.  I heard its best to pick a special day.  So i have chosen Valentine's as I'm doing this for my heart. I just know I can't just do this cold turkey. I had heard that our local health unit had a programme to help people with things to help quit who financially cant afford any or in my case don't have a drug plan.  Seems they don't so im scared this is going to be harder.
      I had started but fell backwards as I lost my son last month. But i now want to do this not only for myself but my 2 grandsons who need their Nana to be healthy
  2. meganon
    meganon avatar
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    I am doing in through our Health Unit had an appointment answered questions was given lots of great advice.  My supplies of the patch & spray I go to our pharmacist every 4months.  This program is very popular and apparently working very well.  Check with your cancer society see if they might be able to help or your family physician.
  3. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Hi dar.
    Welcome to the community forum. This has been a great place for me to receive feedback, support and great ideas to assist me with my quitting process. I am sure that you will find the same. 
    My sincere condolences on the loss of your son. I hope your heart is mending well.
  4. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi everyone,
    Welcome dar, welcome to you all. 

    Changing this slowly and gradually is a good plan, You're doing really well with that cut down. 
    Please know that we are here for you, especially at this time. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your son. 

    One day at a time,

  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Dar,

    Firstly, I am so sorry for the loss of your son.  There are no words.  But you are right.  Your grandsons need you, and that is a really important motivation to quit smoking.

    We live in Canada, so I just cannot believe that you can't get free NRTs, some way, some how.  Speak to your doctor.  Call the helpline here.  Maybe the Canadian Cancer Institute has some suggestions.  The government wants us to quit, because smokers are a real drain on the health care system.  So contact your local MPP.  If all else fails, contact the media, maybe CityTV or Global.  Fight like hell to get the help you need.  It will all be worth the effort.

    Dar, I am glad you made the decision to quit.  So do what you need to do to make it happen, and know we are all here for you.
  6. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Everyone,
    It's great to see a new bunch on here.  I'm having a terrible day today but it hasn't been terrible the whole time.  Like you, I started back in October with cutting down and wanted the financial freedom.  Maybe today that is what I have to console myself, the fact that I've saved $180.00 over the last 13 days.  But cutting down does help.  I had no confidence and they say the first step for success is confidence, so I felt a bit doomed.  But cutting back gave me some of that confidence, I couldn't believe that I cut back from 25 to 11.  So focus on maintaining the gradual withdrawal while you scope out NRT or prescription referals.  And post often, even in the prep stages.  I found that by sticking around here, I kept that mental commitment and followed through on things.  Baby steps are great, and can be hard to follow through on, so stick around here and take your time.  You'll know when you're ready!  
  7. carlag
    carlag avatar
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    Hi Dar

    I am so sorry for your loss.  You have determination and motivation to quit for your grandkids and you will be successful.  I feel through your words you are on the correct path.  My heart goes out to you through this difficult time. 
  8. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Daer Dar

    I m am sorry to hear about your Son.!
    Congrats in your decision to quit, you will feel a lot much better.
    Is not as hard it seem, just Jump to a fee life and enjoy your money.

    All you need is say No

    One day at the time

    You are not alone, please post how you feel we like to know!
  9. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
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    Good Evening Dar,

    Just wanted to add that if you call us at Smoker's Helpline 1-877-513-5333 we can look to see what programs are available in your area. Some programs, as you have mentioned, do have patches or other NRT as part of their program. We can do a search based on your postal code. 

    Hang in there, you are doing so well, choosing a quit date and cutting down before that quit date is a great way to prepare. Know we are here for you!

  10. dar
    dar avatar
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    Good morning everyone. First I would like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement and advice.  I am really proud of my self i have been keeping busy and eating a ton of fruit and raw veggies when i feel an urge for a cigarette. This week I only had a total of 40 cigarettes in 5 days.  I'm even going for more walks with my dog. The other day i found myself walking around with one of my baby carrots hanging outta my mouth lol. My hubby said well its better than a cigarette but still funny looking.  Thanks again everyone. I am going to take time after my sons burial this weekend and call the help line.  Hope everyone has a good weekend 
  11. dar
    dar avatar
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    02 Feb 2018 in reply to jennifer, quit coach
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    Thank you Jennifer and I will call beginning of next week just knowing people are out there to help is wonderful. Right now I am down and crying alot as I am not ready to bury my son tomorrow. Then its better for his boys they say but it makes it final and im not ready to do this but I will tey to be strong and also keep my will to not fall back on my smoke free journey as I smoked more when stressed or upset
  12. nerak47
    nerak47 avatar
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    Dear Dar. 
    You are indeed a trooper for wanting and trying to quit during a most stressful time. I can't imagine what that must be like and my condolences for you and your family. 
    I hope you'll take up offers of support to help along. I am relatively new to this site as well and i have been reading other posts and there is great encouragement just from reading ~ its also a good distraction for cravings too! 
    I thank goodness Champix works for me ~ I was such a chronic smoker I knew I needed something just as strong; cold turkey wouldnt work for me as i have such an addictive personality [I know there are a lot of addictive person who did and can quit cold turkey, I am not 1 of them]...I do hope you find something or someone who can help you along. 
    Again, koodos to you for going through a horrible time and can still want to give it

  13. dar
    dar avatar
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    06 Feb 2018 in reply to nerak47
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    Thanks for the wonderful words and encouragement .I am proud to say instead of 20 cigarettes a day i had 40 in one week . i almost had a relapse as we buries my aon on thia past weekend but to keep busy I was at my moms so I did alot of house work she has a hard time doing. 
  14. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Dar,

    So sorry to hear about your son.  This is a very difficult time for you and your family.  My deepest condolence to you.  

    You are strong to have smoked less that you normally would.  That is a real success.  

    Please feel free to reach out to us as well at 1-877-513-5333.  

    May you be comforted knowing you have our support.  

  15. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Dar,
    Good for you!  I know it's hard to cut down and then maintain it.  I did the same as you, and then went the way of NRT for those smokes I could not get off.  Just the fact that you've maintained half your usual daily dose is amazing.  Keep going for it, Dar.  
  16. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi dar,

    I love the thought of you walking down the street with a carrot in your mouth.  Reminds me of Bugs Bunny - What's up, Doc?!!!  LOL

    You are very brave, dar.  Just take it one step at a time.  We are all here for you.
  17. dar
    dar avatar
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    Well tomorrow is my quit date I have had 2 cigarettes today woohoo.  I'm trying hard today not to smoke in prep for tomorrow but I don't know if I can just go absolutely none yet.  My life has had enough stress but now we are waiting to see if my granddaughter's eye will heal of if she may lose sight in that eye.  They have had IV going into her eye for past 12 hours and now I have a job interview on Thurs which I haven't done in a long time,,,,What if I can't make it all day without one I still haven't been able to get any NRT and I can't afford them on my own.  Our furnace broke and because this winter has been so cold we ran outta wood as I have a wood cookstove I use for heat and cooking so we are finding whatever we can to burn wood wise.  My husband was laid off and we are waiting for unemployment insurance my life just sucks badly right now.  I am going to try my best but not sure if tomorrow will be the day of zero as it could stress me out even more and with my health issue I don't need anymore stress.  Crossing my fingers
  18. dar
    dar avatar
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    Ok I know this is bad but I changed my quit date to March 1st.  If I get this new job that will be my start date and it will help keep my mind etc occupied from smoking.  I just don't think I can do it tomorrow with everything that is happening right now.  I want to quit just need more time and maybe see if I can find a way to get NRt help.  I go to the doctor tomorrow maybe she will have different answers as it was her that told me to contact our local health unit which got me no where,  I don't want to let people down but I don't want to fail either I will continue to cut back but just no cold turkey tomorrow
  19. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Dar, Waiting till March 1st sounds like a better plan, and you've been doing so great with withdrawal and craves for a while now, good for you!  I'd be nervous starting a new job and a quit on the same day, but it really helps to go to work and be so busy those 8 hours a day.  I think you'll get through this next bit, just hold on and don't overwhelm yourself.  I'm so sorry to hear of the current situations that you're dealing with, that's a lot of stress.  One step at a time, it's the only way through your challenges.  My Doctor told me to wean and not quit until after a few challenging events had ended.  I delayed my quit for 6 weeks, but I continued to maintain my daily cigarette allotment.  In the end I was so glad that I'd listened to her.  And now I'm 1 month smoke free.  You rock it, Dar.  I hope the imminent news of your grand-daughters vision is positive.  I'll say a little prayer for you all.
  20. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Dar,

    You know yourself best so glad to hear you felt March 1st quit date is better for you.  As Ocean shared their doctor advice, you do want to be in place of less stress when your making such a change in your lifestyle.  And as your approaching that date you can gage how prepared you feel.  The important thing is that you have the mindset to do this and it will happen when it is intended to.  

    Keep working on your cutdown plan and getting NRT, as Jennifer shared we can help you with that search- feel free to call us.  

    Thinking of you that all goes well with your family and the day to day.  

  21. dar
    dar avatar
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    Hi Lillian .Want to let you know I changed my date which was yesterday Very proud to say its day 2 no cigarette .I may be a rabbit when im done but proud of myself. 
  22. dar
    dar avatar
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    Day 2 no cigarette .Gonna be a rabbit soon eating celery and carrots .And the odd candy cane. 
  23. tanyat
    tanyat avatar
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    Hi. Im new here. Not sure what to expect this time around. I quit before for a year but ended up smoking again. I want to quit for good this time!
  24. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome tanyat!

    As you can see, you are in good company! Dar, has started the journey and you are joining on in! 

    Carrots, experience and support right here will have you all keeping your quit for good.

    Keep going and keep us posted,

  25. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hello Dar,

    So sorry to hear about your son.  Congratulations on your 2 days smoke free.  Keep up the good work and post as much as you want to.  Welcome!
25 posts, 0 answered