50 posts
27 Sep 2018
15 Jan 2019
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Hi Laurie,
We all know what you are going through, and how terrified you actually are. Unfortunately, the fear of quitting and the withdrawals is what prevented most of us trying to quit in the first place. In just over a year, I had many peers/friends/colleagues either get a smoke related illness or die from smoking. That was my wake up call. I knew as scared as I was, and as hard as quitting might be, the alternative would likely be having to go through some type of ghastly treatment or even dying. I started thinking that quitting may actually seem like a piece of cake compared to those. If you can try to change your thought process, that you are not giving up anything,you are giving yourself the gift of a better life and better health for the remainder of it. If you have a positive outlook and are determined, you'll be able to quit and it won't be as hard as what you thought. We are stronger than what we think we are, and nothing can get in our way, once we have made our minds up. Good luck.
Lastly, learn the 5 D's, change up your routine and research the addiction and what smoking will do. Knowing why you smoke helps. And knowing what you are doing to yourself if you continue to smoke, will keep you motivated.