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A Stranger Unto Myself

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
    97 posts
    30 Nov 2017
    12 Jan 2019
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    Although this is only my 12th day,  I find myself at a bit of a loss.  I know I've stopped doing something I know is wrong.  But it's like OK, if I don't do this (smoke) with my life, what DO I do?  Or who am I if I'm not a smoker?  I don't know - feel like somewhat of a stranger to myself.  Has anyone else had these kinds of thoughts or feelings?

  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    07 Mar 2018
    13 Jan 2019
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    Hi Turningpoint,

    Congratulations on twelve smoke free days. That is a great accomplishment.

    I felt strange too when I quit. What do I do with my hands now? I developed a bunch of alternative solutions to enjoy now that I wasn't smoking. I put a bowl of veggies and fruit, and glasses of water and juice near to keep the hand to mouth action going in a healthy way. I then found activities such as walks, playing cards, working out at the gym, and other things to keep me busy. All very strange at first, I soon came to enjoy my new smoke free lifestyle and continue it.

    I wish you continued success on your journey.

  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    31 Dec 2018
    13 Jan 2019 in reply to turningpoint
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    Hi turningpoint,

    I also quit on new years and I completely understand what you're saying. I smoked for 30 years (my entire adult life), it was a part of who I was. I find I am having a hard time grasping how to things without smoking, and I'm 'mourning' that loss. It was a part of everything we did every day. Going for a walk even feels strange since I don't have a smoke.....

    I think that's where we are both at, is the realization that to move forward we need to become 'someone else': a non-smoker! 

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    13 Jan 2019
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    Good morning Everyone

    I think you are doing a Great Job!

    All that you are going to feel is part of the quit! Everyday and every time you say No! is a new beginning, next time you will be stronger and stronger, forget what you did, start thinking in a New Person, with out Smokes!

    Your body will thank you a lot!
    You are so worth it!

    Enjoy to be free! 
  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    02 Apr 2018
    14 Jan 2019
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    Hi turningpoint,

    Quitting smoking can be one of the biggest changes we experience in our lives.  Most large changes come by addition (spouse, children, etc), but quitting smoking changes our lives by deletion.  We have spent so much time smoking, that without, it is common to feel somewhat at a loss.  I remember literally just wandering around the garage and driveway one afternoon.  I then saw the old hockey net and dragged it out.  I then rummaged to find a stick and spent the next couple of hours shooting a ball around.  I hadn't done that in years, partly because I was too busy smoking.  And guess what else I noticed that afternoon - I wasn't nearly as winded as I would have previously been. 

    Quitting is a major life and lifestyle change.  We must work to re-define ourselves.  You are not alone! 

    Is there something you used to enjoy doing that you haven't lately?
5 posts, 0 answered