501 posts
31 Dec 2018
11 Oct 2019
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Congrats on making it 3 days without a smoke!
You're going through some withdrawal right now, which includes the insomnia and the headaches. I remember around day 3 I started to get some wicked headaches and thought 'great on top of quitting and withdrawal now I've got a headache' but the headache is part of the withdrawal and it passes.
You will get hungry since your body is trying to heal, and also smoking is a meal suppressant so without smoking your body is signalling hunger.
Take it one day at a time for now. Try to take some time to clean all your clothes to get rid of the smoke smell, toss out all your lighters, smokes, ashtrays, etc. I bet in the next day or so you will really start to notice the stale smoke smell on other smokers, I can pick off a smoker from about 10'0" away.