lillian, quit coach
220 posts
28 Nov 2017
31 Dec 2019
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Hi Everyone,
For many of our members, Facebook was a handy way of logging in and using our site.
Facebook has recently changed some permissions and rules and regulations and due to that, so many of those members aren't able to access their account, use the site and even post.
It is taking some time to work this out and in the meantime so many are missing out.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and the resulting frustration.
As soon as it has been resolved we will post a message and also connect with those ever patient members that we are missing right now!!
We are looking forward to all the best coming in this New Year, 2020 for our site and for our members!
Thank you,
Last modified on 31 Dec 2019 15:28 by lillian, quit coach