Forums / My journey / Things that are Easier as a Nonsmoker

Things that are Easier as a Nonsmoker

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    08 Jun 2019
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    I recently bought a condo where I have to walk up 3 flights of stairs, many times a day!
    Everyday, when I'm walking up those stairs, I remind myself how much more difficult these stairs would be if I was still smoking.

    What about you? What's easier for you as a nonsmoker?

  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    08 Jun 2019 in reply to renee, quitcoach
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    Hi Renne

    That is so true, I  claimed up  stairs in the Subway and enjoying every step up! And feeling my brief and is so calm and my legs continuo.... until I reach the top! I feel so alive! and strong!

    I s so good to be a Non Smoker!  
  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    11 Jun 2019 in reply to renee, quitcoach
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    Yes breathing is so much easier being a non-smoker now. 

    One thing I find easier is going places - shopping, movies, etc. I don't sit there thinking about getting out for a smoke. It is such a freeing feeling. I am no longer chained to the smoke pack. Having quit in the winter in some ways was easier because we are cooped up inside more. But now that we are into some warmer weather and I'm spending more time outdoors it really hits me how I am free to sit and enjoy a patio without needing to step away to smoke. 

    This is one of those benefits I never even considered when I decided to finally quit. It is really a nice bonus.  
  4. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hi brieffree and atp,

    It's great that you're both able to acknowledge the progress that you've made since quitting- not only can you breathe better but also staying physically active is more enjoyable for you both. Nice to celebrate those victories every step of the way. 

    Grace and Marianne
  5. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    13 Jun 2019 in reply to atp
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    Hi Atp,

    Congratulations it's wonderful to see how you keep yourself busy after quitting.

    You are absolutely right when you say that "It's a feeling of liberation" and try to always keep that feeling in your mind when you are going through difficult times because this feeling is a source of motivation.

    I was wondering if this attempt was your longest one?

    True freedom begins when you quit smoking!

    Please feel free to call us at 1-877-513-5333 for more support
    Keep us posted!
    Last modified on 13 Jun 2019 20:03 by merline, quit coach
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Things I find easier now as a non smoker...
    When I'm out at a bar or a restaurant with a friend and don't have to excuse myself to go out and smoke. I don't miss anything anymore and I'm more engaged in the chat going on and I don't have to feel self conscious of the stale cigarette smoke.
    Driving is another one.. I don't have to worry about ash coming back in the window or wondering if the butt has blown back in and on the back seat.
    Just watching a movie is easier too... don't have to disturb it to go have a smoke.
6 posts, 0 answered