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The night before

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. free48
    free48 avatar
    1 posts
    30 Dec 2018
    31 Dec 2018
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    tomorrow is my day and my head is having a real battle. Postpone one succeeds January first... you can’t do this! I know it’s all lies but to be honest I am terrified of waking up tomorrow without coffee and my ten cigarettes
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi free48,

    I get what you mean.  I came up with excuses for years and years as to why I couldn't quit smoking.  But I finally realized that I was getting nowhere, and that I just had to do it, no matter what.

    It's going to be hard, free48, no doubt about it.  You have to be willing to change your routines.  And you have to be prepared to deal with withdrawal and cravings.  But you can do it, you really can.  

    Try to think of things to do to distract yourself.  And drink lots of water.  Make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit, and put it somewhere that you can read it often.  And just know in your heart that you are doing the absolute best thing for yourself.

    Try to relax free48.  Do the best you can and see how it goes.  You may surprise yourself.
  3. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    31 Dec 2018 in reply to free48
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    Hello Free48,

    Yes change can be a scary thing!

    Are you planning on using nicotine replacement therapy to help you quit?

    We are all rooting for you!

  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    01 Jan 2019
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    Good Morning Free48,

    I hope this morning is dawning smoke free for you. I switched from coffee to green tea on day one. It holds no connection with smoking for me and has a lot of health benefits. There are always excuses for smoking but never any good reasons. Hang in there! I am wishing you every success.


  5. cec57
    cec57 avatar
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    thinking of quitting smoking can be overwhelming, i had to break it down to one day at a time in order to help myself.being in contact with non smokers and talking about it like what your doing now is very helpful. good luck free48
  6. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    04 Jan 2019 in reply to cec57
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    Good morning all,

    The night before can definitely be daunting! Free48, I'm glad that you reached our for support, and hope that it's helped.

    Cec57, I like your strategy of breaking it down; rather than telling yourself "I can never smoke again," it's a lot more manageable to say, "I won't smoke today." Or even, "I won't smoke this hour." Eagerquit, treepeo, and many others have made helpful changes to their routines to make it easier to navigate around cravings.

    And part of the battle is, I think, is finding ways to recognize those thoughts that aren't helpful, such as "no one succeeds," and then changing them to something more encouraging! Reading some of the success stories here can help to show that it's quite possible to quit for anyone.

    It can also help to take the pressure off by looking at success and failure in a different light. Some people attempt to quit, go for some hours or days smoke-free, slip or relapse, and then think of themselves as failures. Quitting is a learning process, and ANY cigarette not smoked is a success that can be built upon over time. Each attempt at quitting brings one closer to success!


6 posts, 0 answered