sarah, quit coach
231 posts
28 Nov 2017
07 Mar 2023
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Hello kellie62,
Thank you for sharing this post. It can be upsetting & frustrating to have someone in your life who you feel is not supportive of your quit.
Support is a key component to any quit plan. Do you feel this person is open to hearing about what support means to you? And if so, what would you say?
Sometimes people are not supportive because they are not meeting their own goals with their quits. Sometimes its because they themselves have absolutely no inkling to ever go smoke-free. Sometimes they do not know what you support needs are, but are doing what they think you need. And sometimes, theres someone better suited out there for you as you go through this journey ( family, friend, neighbor, coworker or quit line!)
You've also found this forum, chock full of supportive community members who are here for you and ready to cheer you on.
Hope that helps, and all the best with this situation,
Take care
Last modified on 07 Mar 2023 19:43 by sarah, quit coach