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Need to quit smoking- want to quit smoking - have to quit smoking.

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  1. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    Hi, I am new to this, I been wanting to quit for a very long time, and now I am ready for many of reasons. I am going to try the Champix, but my Anxiety of getting started is through the roof. Smoking has been part of my entire life pretty much, I have suffered and still suffer from eating disorders and the thought of gaining weight terrifies me, amoung other reasons. Not sure why I am so scared and anxious and feeling so over whelmed about it. I hate the smell of it, I hate everything about smoking, but the thought of stopping scares the hell out of me and I don't know why, and to try and explain this to anyone their first reaction is well then your just not ready. Please tell me there are other people who felt this before quitting and that I am not alone on this. The anxiety of it all is why I gave up quitting in the past, but now I just have to do this.
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    Welcome Patti,

    A whole bunch of us have tried to quit many times. Eventually finding what works to help us become a non-smoker. 

    Look at it this way -you're not giving up smoking, you are changing your life to become a non-smoker. A new and improved you. Anyone who's quit will tell you how much better life is as a non-smoker. 

    I was afraid to try to quit again, but i was committed to try for a number of reasons. The last few months I would only have half a smoke sometimes as I just couldn't stand smoking, but half an hour later I was doing it again. Yeah it was a mean addiction. 

    You know though, I just decided that I want to live free of smoking. That was it. I looked up all the positive benefits of quitting and those were my goals. 

    Find your passion, what benefits do you want?

  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Patti and welcome to the Forum

    It's perfectly normal to be nervous to quit smoking.  It is, after all, perhaps the biggest change we can make to our lifestyle.  And the more you think about it, the more anxious you get - many of us have been there.  But the only sure way to fail is to never attempt to quit in the first place. 

    No one can make you quit.  You have to want to quit.  You have to want to REALLY quit!!!  You have to want to quit like it's a life-or-death decision.  And you have to believe you can quit.  If you want it, and you believe it, you can quit smoking for good.

    Believe it to achieve it.

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello Patti

    Welcome to help line, no dub is your time to quit!

    Do not be afraid, all you feel is normal until you quit! And then you will start to enjoy Pure Air into your Lungs!

    Came by any time to post how you do!

    Here you will find a lot support to quit and keep the quit for good!

    Go for it! ONE DAY AT THE TIME!
  5. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Patti,

    Welcome to the Forum and thank you for taking the time to visit us.

    First of all congratulations for given quitting another chance because you hate the smell of it and everything about smoking.

    Please note that the way you are feeling is very normal. For some people just thinking about quitting brings a mix of many emotions. Why? Because quitting smoking it is not easy and you are right the process of quitting could be sometimes scary but please don't forget to think about all the health benefits after quitting.

    I'm happy to hear that you are planning to use the Champix this time because if used properly, CHAMPIX can increase your chances of quitting successfully. It works best if you are also part of a support or counselling program to deal with all the other aspects of smoking and staying quit. Is this something you would be interested in?

    Join us in the Smokers’ Helpline Online community for more support and strategies, or call us at 1-877-513-5333.

    If your symptoms persist for a long time then talk to your Doctor about them.

    We know you can do it with the right support!
    Best Regards,

  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi patti,

    It's perfectly normal to be anxious and scared about quitting.  I remember when just thinking about quitting literally made my palms start to sweat.  But look at it this way.  What's the worst that can happen?  You have a slip.  If that happens, oh well, not to worry, just try again.  Every slip is a learning process, nothing more.

    You have nothing to lose by trying to quit, and everything to gain.  So why not give it a shot?  And keep posting here because as you can see, we all support each other.  You will not be alone.
  7. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    thank you all for all the support. You see the reason to further me wanting to quit smoking is my father was recently diagnosed with throat cancer. He was not a smoker but a heavy drinker he is now a recovering alcoholic. 3 years ago he had a double transplant Kidney and Liver as our family has a long history of PKD (Polycystic Kidney disease). Other reason I need to quit, to is if I ever start having Kidney issues and need a transplant I cannot be smoking. You see there are some many other factors for me needing to stop smoking, it's not just about wanting.
    I have been reading some of the tips, and I have already started
    cutting down on smoking.
    Write a list of reasons why you want to quit – doing that this weekend.
    Pick a quit date. – I was going to start the champix this coming Monday, but then I thought why not start it on the day my dad starts his first radiation therapy and we can do this together, it will also give me a little more time to cut down before your quit date, like the quit smoking tips mentions.
    So I will start the champix  on my dad’s first day of Radiation and we will start this journey together and support each other. I hope this all makes

    Last modified on 22 Feb 2019 11:28 by patti lmd
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Patti lmd,

    Congratulations on starting to cut down. You certainly have very motivating reasons for quitting that are personal.

    I want to ensure that you are aware that with champix, the intent is NOT to quit on the same day as you start the medication. In fact, you are encouraged to smoke/cut down while taking it so that it has time to build in your system in order to block nicotine receptors in your brain.

    We have spoken to clients before who quit the day they started champix and were wondering why it is so hard, so just wanted to run this by you and make sure you were aware...

    Hope I understood your plan correctly, and please read the label and/or speak with your healthcare provider such as a pharmacist if you have any further questions.


    Jenna Lee
  9. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    Thanks Jenna Lee for your reply. Sorry if my message was a bit confusing. I do not plan to stop smoking the day I start the Champix, I am just going to start cutting down smoking before I start using the Champix then start taking it as directed on my dad’s first day of radiation therapy. I don’t know why I am doing it this way, and some people will probably say why wait just get the ball rolling but to me it just feels right and something that will give me an extra push. I know it may not make sense too many people,and I cannot make anyone understand and its hard to explain, but for me it does.
  10. atp
    atp avatar
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    23 Feb 2019 in reply to patti lmd
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    Hi Patti,

    I think your quit plan makes perfect sense, and it meaningful to you. It is your quit plan and you need to prepare for it and do it whichever way works for you. The end of the day your end goal is to be a non-smoker. With that attitude you will get there. 

    I quit in part to get my 19 year old son to quit. Sort of the old I quit/you quit thing. It worked mostly. He stopped smoking a few days after I did, although he still does some e-cigs. So for me that was meaningful and made my quit that much stronger. 

    Best advice I can give is to read up as much as you can about quitting smoking ahead of your quit date, toss out all your smoking stuff, invest in air-fresheners and wash all your jackets, and commit to 'Not One Puff Ever'. So simple but so hard. 
  11. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    UPDATE: Well folks I did it! As of March 18, 2019 my father's first day of radiation therapy as I mentioned on my first post, I started the Champix, and it's been 3 days now since I have quit altogether and I feel great. I did  have serious anxiety leading up to it, but Monday Morning I woke up got ready for work and said to myself I am not having a smoke before work. Got to work and said to myself "let's see how long I can go". Brought 3 cigarettes with me left hidden in my car out of plain sight. By 4;30 pm I was so proud of myself because I still didn't have a smoke and I kept going. It's now day 3. I have no desire on having one. I have the urge typical, but I mentally I have no desire...
  12. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi patti,  Way to go!

    I like how you're thinking, and your strategy to keep challenging yourself to beat the cravings one at a time, just a little bit longer.  Each time you do that, you're investing just a little more in your quit.  Soon, your quit will be so valuable that you wouldn't dare jeopardize it for anything.

    It certainly sounds like it's working.  I'm so happy for you.

  13. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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  14. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi Patti,

    Big Congratulations on quitting! Way to go!
    I quit on Champix too & honestly don’t think I would of been able to quit without. Enjoy your Healthy New Lifestyle!😀
  15. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    Thank you wandam, and I look forward to this new lifestyle, just like you I don't think I would be able to quit without the Champix. My Mother used it as well and she has been smoke free for 1 year now. My sister was stronger than us she did it cold turkey and she 3 years smoke free..
    Did you ever slip up during that time? I don't think I will, but never say never, although I get the odd urge, but mentally no desire.
  16. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi Patti lmd,

    You go girl! You are on an awesome journey! It is such a great feel when you are smoke free ... KCB, ODAAT, and NOPE (if you like acronyms lol) We are all routing for ya. You got this :)

  17. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    lol.... THANK SO MUCH!! :)
  18. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    DAY 8 AND FEELING MORE CONFIDENT, still have my moments but mostly I am totally fine, in fact when I smell cigarettes it grosses me out, my  hubby still smokes and when he comes in from outside I get totally grossed out, I cannot believe I would smell like that. I mean I knew I did and i hated it, and would wear perfume to TRY and mask it, but now smelling it 8 days in smoke free MY GOODNESS BLAH!! I 
  19. atp
    atp avatar
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    Day 8 - Woohoo!!! you made through hell week, make sure to reward yourself. 

    I remember the first few times smelling stale smoke on a person passing me by and being grossed out. At that moment I wondered how my wife put up with if for so many years with me. 

    Amazing how fast our body starts to recover after we quit. Have you tried going up a flight of stairs lately? 

  20. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Hi patti lmd,
    HUGE congrats on getting through the first week!! As other members have mentioned, remember to treat yourself. Getting through the first week is a major milestone.
    Also if you haven't done so already, remember to register for the first week challenge contest.
    ( -> you are eligible within 3 months of the first day of your quit period.
  21. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Congrats to you Patti, you are doing great! Those first few days were the toughest for me.  I felt so anxious and frightened, but being that I had tried quitting many times before, once for 18 months, I just got really angry at this awful addiction, and what it was doing to me mentally and physically. So I decided to get really seriously stubborn and beat it to the curb! Checking in with this helpline, the patch and Nicolette gum all helped me. The forum is so helpful, and I am so glad you are here. - m
  22. patti lmd
    patti lmd avatar
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    UPDATE: April 25/19 marks 1 MONTH SMOKE FREE---WOOP WOOP!! I am so proud of myself, and I will be treating myself, just haven't decided what yet but when I do I am going all out because I deserve this celebration.. I don't want to make it out that it was an easy month, it was easier than I expected, but I am positive it is with the help of being on the Champx. I have had a rough few times and wanted to have a smoke, but I didn't. This weekend will be very challenging for me THE BIG TEST, as I am attending a social engagement and I will be surrounded by smokers, but I will fight it, and beat it, because even now my husband who still smokes (never inside) We never smoked in our home, but when he comes inside the smell is absolutely disgusting to me and I make it known to  So I know the smell alone will just gross me right out while I am there. Wish me luck, and to all you recently quit smokers you got this, stay strong fight it and you will beat it, WE ALL can do this.
    My dad just finished is radiation therapy for stage 4A throat cancer (not a smoker), and if he can get through that and fight this illness, I can, (we can) get through quitting smoking we all can, we just have to take it one day at a time.
  23. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Patti,

    One whole month smoke free - Yippee!  I am so happy for you, and you should be really proud of yourself!  You are getting the job done in a big way!  Congrats!
  24. lucky
    lucky avatar
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    Hi Patti,

    Big Congratulations on your 1 Month of being smoke free, what a milestone!
    You probably have more energy and it is easier to take a breath? 
    It will take a while for the body to recover from the toxins in all the cigarettes we smoked.
    All the best of luck on your journey of becoming a non smoker.
  25. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Patti!

    A (belated) big congratulations from all of us here at Smokers' Helpline on ONE MONTH SMOKE-FREE! You definitely deserve to celebrate! Huzzah!

    Think about how far you've come since you started this thread. Back then you wanted to quit but were feeling anxious and overwhelmed at the thought. You were able to gather your courage, get some support in place, and go for it, and here you are today!

    Hopefully the fact that you find the smell disgusting helped you to stay strong through the (potentially) challenging weekend. And I'm guessing that you've learned some pretty solid skills in craving management over the course of 30 days smoke-free as well.

    And hopefully you're starting to notice some of those benefits that lucky mentioned, such as breathing easier and having more energy.

    You are your father's daughter, and are a fighter just like him.

    Wishing you continued success,
    Last modified on 30 Apr 2019 12:18 by efram, quit coach
25 posts, 0 answered