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Day 6- so much more time - when not smoking !

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  1. heab
    heab avatar
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    06 Feb 2019
    14 Feb 2019
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    Feels like I have a big empty hole- that used to be filled with smoking. I am trying to walk- do healthy things instead- everything feels odd or empty. Early days and the cravings feel not so much like a giant monster is taking over my entire being ! Coffee is a huge trigger but just can't  give up the morning one !  I saw a video and it said try replacing cigarette with a cinnamon stick-it seems to work- but close my eyes and visualize that Im smoking. Just with that morning coffee.  Good news is I had my check up today - and remain cancer free !
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi heab,

    Congratulations on Day 6 of being smoke free.  And cancer free, now that is the best news indeed!

    Like you, I decided not to give up coffee.  I know it can cause cravings, but that will pass with time.  I just love enjoying my coffee now without having to light up.

    You will adjust to the extra time you have now that you quit smoking.  You will even come to enjoy it.  Smoking is such a terrible waste of time.  Who needs it?
  3. heab
    heab avatar
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    06 Feb 2019
    15 Feb 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    Hi treepeo,
    Thank you for your support ! Day 7 today- had my coffee with my cinnamon stick this morning but actually forgot to use my cinnamon stick for the first minute or so. Hopefully I will not need the cinnamon stick as days go by. I am excited as my son is returning from University tomorrow and he will be beyond happy that I have quit as I know my smoking caused him great concern and anxiety ! The cravings now seem to come and go- and if I distract myself they seem to pass more quickly. As well as the more days I have smoke free I think why start again - meaning I would have to return to day 1 - and start all over again. I just don't want to do that! Again- thank you for your support ! Have a great smoke free day !
  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi heab

    1 week quit is awesome.  You're well on your way!!

    And it's totally normal to feel 'odd or empty'.  Quitting smoking is perhaps the biggest change you will make in your life.  It takes time to adjust.  Be proactive about it and consciously fill that new-found time with beneficial activities.

    Our quits are also very valuable.  Every day we don't smoke, we invest more in them.  It gets to a point where we've invested so much that we wouldn't dare jeopardize our quit.  You already realize this, and that's awesome.  Plus, going through all that initial withdrawal really sucks.  Who wants to do that repeatedly?

    Your son will be proud of you.  And you will be proud of yourself!!!!!!
  5. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    15 Feb 2019 in reply to efreeman75
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    Hi All,

    Congratulations, heab! You are making progress each and every day. And I'll bet that having more time to spare is going to become a very positive thing starting tomorrow when your son is home again!

    Treepeo and efreeman75, you both used the word "adjust." It's helpful to recognize that it takes time to adjust to being a non-smoker, and efreeman75, I like what you say about being proactive in making these adjustments to consciously fill the gaps where the cigarette used to be.

    Heab, hopefully little by little you'll also soon start to find benefits in being smoke-free, whether it's that extra time with your family or an extra bounce in your step!

5 posts, 0 answered