jenna c, quit coach
58 posts
29 Nov 2018
04 Feb 2019
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HI Jonmelo33,
That's a good question. Using the patches in general helps reduce withdrawal symptoms however when you get off the patch there is risk of having some w/d. The chances are fewer if you use the patch program accordingly (step 1...step 2...step 3).
"Each smoker has different withdrawal symptoms. The most common are:
Irritability, restlessness, impatience, nervousness
Poor concentration, dizziness
Sleep Disruption, awakening at night
Mild depression, tiredness, anxiety
Headache, constipation, gas, stomach pains
Increased appetite, hunger, desire to smoke, mouth ulcers, colds, sore throat, coughing, sneezing"
Kind Regards,
jenna c, quit coach