Forums / My journey / Hi everyone

Hi everyone

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
    92 posts
    03 Jan 2019
    25 Nov 2020
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    well it has been 2years since my last smoke. I have saved $5263, and 8772 cigs not smoked. And I have saved 67 days of my life. Wow! What a journey it was, and still is to this day. I still have the odd craving, but thankfully it doesn't last very long. And gets easier as time goes on.  Last week I had a beer and Clamato juice out on my deck with a friend, and really enjoyed it. I think thats the first one I had in the last 2 years that I didn't feel like I was missing the cig to go with it. I didn't even miss it until afterwards when I realized I hadn't even thought of it. That felt like a major turning point. Now I am really feeling like a nonsmoker!! But I know that I must live by Not One Puff Ever, as it would not be hard to relapse. Thank you to all the people on the helpline, it definitely helped me to stay quit. And hopefully telling my story might help someone else quitting this awful addiction.  - mm
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    26 Nov 2020 in reply to mari_m
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    Thank you so much for sharing your quit journey with us. Congratulations on all of these milestones. This is a great example of how one can look forward to living a life of a non-smoker.
    You are an inspiration to us all.

    Jenna Lee
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    26 Nov 2020
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    Hi mari_m,

    Congratulations on being a non-smoker for 2 years!  You did it - you broke free!  Your stats are amazing, and they will keep getting better over time.

    You should be really proud of yourself, mari_m.  All of your hard work and commitment paid off in a big way.  WooHoo!
  4. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
    92 posts
    03 Jan 2019
    27 Nov 2020 in reply to jenna lee, quit coach
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    Hi Jenna lee, Thanks so much for your reply. This site has been my lifeline since day one, and although I haven't posted very often,  I always find other comments have helped keep me focused on my most important goal, to keep my quit!  Heres to another smoke free day -mm
  5. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
    92 posts
    03 Jan 2019
    27 Nov 2020 in reply to treepeo1
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    Hi Treepeo, Thank you for your reply, it is always so good to hear from you!  Your posts along with others have truly made the difference to my quit and for that I am so grateful. I have such good feelings about this site and have highly recommended it to a few of my friends who unfortunately are still smoking. It was tough being around them for quite awhile, but now my thinking has changed. Instead of feeling sorry for not allowing myself to smoke, I feel empathy for those still struggling with this addiction. I do have the occasional twinge of wanting a smoke, but now I have the resources like the helpline to take it head on and beat it to the curb!! Not One Puff Ever has been one of my favorite sayings and have it in the back of my mind just in case I need it quick. Heres thinking of everyone on their quitting journey, we can do this together. -mm
  6. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    30 Nov 2020
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    Hi mari_m

    Wow super proud of you on celebrating 2 years of being smoke free, that’s awesome, great job! Wishing you many more years of freedom! So good to hear from you & treepeo1 & witness your guy’s success!
    Last modified on 30 Nov 2020 16:09 by wandam
  7. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
    296 posts
    02 Apr 2018
    02 Dec 2020 in reply to mari_m
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    Hi mari m,

    Congratulations.  Thanks for sharing your success.  It sounds like your journey has shifted from the initial struggle to the freedom of being a non-smoker.  Very encouraging!
  8. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
    92 posts
    03 Jan 2019
    02 Dec 2020
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    Hi wandam and efreeman, Thank you both for your well wishes. Hearing from everyone and the ups and downs we all go through sometimes, helps to keep going ahead one step at a time! I had tried to quit many times and always felt like such a failure. Actually I never did believe that I actually had it in me to see this quit through , so I learned from the helpline, that I just had to rely on  my stubbornness to get me through the low times. And along the way I gradually learned to believe I can do this, with lots of help and sharing!  I had to realize this change of thinking does not happen overnight. So here's to my lesson on really understanding Patience and how it works if we just give it time!!  Best wishes to everyone on their quit journey, and Thanks for being there for each other -mm
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    02 Feb 2022 in reply to mari_m
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    Hi Mari_m... 

    Just saw this thread now and said I would reply. Congratulations on your success. You are inspiring us more recent quitters to follow ur example. You hit the nail on the head there with 'give it time'. Patience is important with this process. It doesn't happen overnight. When we quit we expect there to be instant gratification... but thats not how this works. One day at a time, one brick at a time. 
9 posts, 0 answered