Forums / My journey / Day 2 Down - Start of the 3rd day

Day 2 Down - Start of the 3rd day

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
    187 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    02 Dec 2017
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    So still on the patches a 21 mg and 14 mg.  And 12 Lozenges a day.  On Monday they wouldthe one nurse wants me to drop down to a 21 and 7 which I am sort of anxious about but I think if I get through today and tomorrow I will be alright.  I get the odd craving or urging for a cigarette but most of them are memories.  There is certain people that I want to smoke around as well because they are smokers, so I dont just sit around with them as much and keep my visits shorter.  Oh and after riding up a steep hill I want a cigarette I guess as sort of an award so I have been sucking on a halls at that point.  Getting a whiff of somebody smoking when I am out walking or riding seems to be a trigger as well.  It is more of a want a cigarette not need.  My buddy is heading to the reserve in a couple of hours and I am definately not getting a bag.  So that is a good thing.Enjoy the rest of the smoke free day everyone.
  2. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    02 Dec 2017 in reply to manderson4
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    Oh and just remembered.  When I have the first cup of coffee of the day I think how a cigarette would be nice.  But then any other coffee the thought doesnt even enter in to my mind.  
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Go Mather go!
  4. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
    103 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    02 Dec 2017 in reply to manderson4
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    Good Evening manderson,

    Really like how you describe your cravings as more like " memories ". Great job keeping those visits shorter when around other smokers. That ability to adapt your quit plan to your actual surroundings is so important!

    Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    03 Dec 2017
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    Hi manderson4,

    If you still feel anxious about dropping down on your patch strength, I would speak to the nurse about it again.  You know yourself best, and to my mind, the most important thing is for you to remain smoke free.  These days, we have to be our own advocates.  So always make sure you speak up for yourself and express your needs.  I want to make sure you have the very best chance of success in your attempt to quit.

    It is really great that you recognize some of your triggers and have plans in place to deal with them.   You probably learned a lot from your last attempt at quitting.  I am on your side 100% and I know you can do this.  Keep up the good work, manderson4.  Every moment you do not smoke is a victory.  Be proud of yourself.
5 posts, 0 answered