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good morning!

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. wonder woman
    wonder woman avatar
    1 posts
    23 Dec 2017
    23 Dec 2017
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    Good morning,

    I am new to this site and was hoping to get some feedback on how others are feeling. I have been smoke free for 4 months now and it's been an unpleasant ride. Not so much the smoking aspect but the weight gain and no matter what I do I can't seem to shed a pound. I went 4 days eating less than 1200 calories and still didn't move the scale .I am gaining a pound a wee and up to 12 pounds now. I am a work out freak and ever since I quite smoking my bones, joints, muscles are always hurting. 

    Has anyone else or is anyone else going through anything similar?
  2. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    216 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    23 Dec 2017
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    Hi Wonder Woman,

    Welcome to the site. judi posted in another thread about what she has been facing since her quit, so I hope that you can check out her experiences.  She doesn't speak of any weight gain, but does share in her experience with quitting.

    I am sorry it has been such an unpleasant experience for you! So many of our members find that in spite of the challenges they can really feel the benefits of quitting. It often helps them keep going, so it must be really tough for you to continue when you've been hit with weight gain and joint pain.

    Hopefully the members out there can share their experiences with you soon, please keep on checking the thread for feedback.

    What  I can share is that most withdrawal, including increase in appetite and weight gain tends to subside and go away after that first month of the quit. Joint pain, muscle pain etc aren't usually attributed to quitting smoking and withdrawal. Could it be possible that something else is contributing?

    As you know, given your current experience every one has a unique body system and how it reacts doesn't necessarily follow the experience of others.

    I encourage you to talk to a health care professional about your symptoms. Your nurse or doctor could tease out the contributing factors and help you towards a resolution. Hopefully you can check in with them soon, as I am sure it would be a relief to be feeling better!

    Congratulations wonder woman on this quit. You are 4 months in and that is a huge success! I hope regardless of the frustrations, that you are able to feel good about this achievement.

    Let us know how you are doing,
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    23 Dec 2017 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    Hi Wonder woman

    First of all Congrats in 4 Months Smoke free!

    Since I quite time ago... Back then last June 7/2015.

    The only issue that I have is I woke up very early in the morning about 2 hs before the wake up clock. Also I increase some weight not much but dosen't heart me, in fact I need it, all is positive, I never felt better. The weight gain is because I eat more Healthy than before and a lot of Candy, drink a lot water and why not I eat more than before, my body is asking for it!

    I used to be a Heavy duty smoker, 3 packs a day!

    I will see my doctor next year, it started to worry me!

    If I were you I will go check up to the Doctor!

    Again Congrats in 4 Months free!
3 posts, 0 answered