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  1. mizaru
    mizaru avatar
    3 posts
    01 Sep 2018
    24 Oct 2018
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    Hi, my name's Rebecca. I haven't quit smoking yet, I'm aiming to quit on the first for the contest. To be honest, I've told myself I would quit a million times and have even tried to quit, and couldn't get past the first day. It's very hard for me and I'm hoping that I can get through at least a week, if not the rest of my life lol.
    I'm trying to find some motivation to help me get ready to quit, and then to actually quit for more than a day! I've downloaded every quit smoking app on my phone, read Allen Carr's book, talked to people who have quit themselves including my mother and some friends, I just can't seem to do it! I don't have much support where I am right now, the best I can do is online support so here I am. I'm going to need all the help I can get! I've had the nicorette gum waiting for me for months now lol.. I'll use them this time, I'll talk to a doctor about a pill maybe... And maybe I'll get the patches as well.
    My biggest motivation right now is my 3 year old son, I want to set a good example for him. And also, money!!
    But there's something missing, because those were my motivations all the other times. I cave so easily!! I think it's my neighbors who are terrible mooches! Which would be another good reason to quit! Lol... But I tell him I'm quitting and he says "why?".... Then I'm so passive and have a hard time speaking up for myself so then I can't tell him to go away. :-(
    Gosh, I'm going to need some major help...
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Rebecca,

    It's great that you are going to give quitting a try again. 

    I know what you mean about caving in.  I did that over and over myself, too.  But I finally realized that I had to get really serious about quitting, and that meant resisting the cravings no matter how bad they got.  There is some really good info on this site as to how to prepare for your quit.  You should read it in order to help you prepare.  And have a solid plan in place.  Make a decision as to what NRTs you are going to use.  Patches and gum, Champix, mist, or something else.  Quitting is stressful, so if you make these decisions now, you will have less to worry about when your quit day comes.  You want to make it as easy on yourself as you possibly can.

    You will get lots of support from the people here, because we are all going through the same things.  This site was an absolute lifeline for me when I quit, no kidding.  I smoked for over 43 years and I finally managed to break free.  I have now been a non-smoker for 1.9 years.  So believe me when I tell you that it IS possible to quit.  You can do it if you set your mind to it.  Just develop a plan of action and stick to it.  And reach out for help whenever you need it.  We are all here for you. 
  3. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    25 Oct 2018 in reply to mizaru
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    Hi Rebecca,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline Online and I’m more than happy to hear that you are going to give quitting a try again.

    Rebecca please keep in mind that no matter how good your reasons are for quitting, you may still want to smoke. Success relies on your ability to stay in control – of yourself and of the situations you’re placed in. Use the 3 A’s to help you stay in control in a tempting situation: Avoid, Alter, Accept.

    Avoid what you don’t think you can handle. You may have to do this more often during the first few weeks after you quit and gradually move to other methods as you feel  more in control.
    Example: Avoid people who smoke. Talk honestly with your friends who smoke and let them know that you still want to be friends, but that it’s important to you to be a non-smoker. Tell them that you may not be spending time with them for a little while. You don’t expect them to quit, but you do want their support.

    Find a new response to the situation.
    Example: If you have a friend that always offers you a cigarette, politely tell them that you are planning to quit and that you don’t want them to offer you a cigarette under any circumstances.

    If the situation can’t be changed, try to accept it.
    Example: Give yourself a pep-talk.  “I’m stressed but it won’t last forever. I can make it through this.” Or “I will be a stronger person for handling this without a cigarette.”

    Keep reminding yourself that most urges last only a short time. Each time you beat a craving, congratulate yourself by saying something like “I handled that well!” or “I’m in control again.”

     Planning to Manage Your Triggers:
    1.        What are the times, places and situations that trigger your urge to smoke? Take a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the middle from top to bottom. On the left side write down as many triggers as you can.
    2.        Look over your list of triggers and write AVOID, ALTER, or ACCEPT next to each one and use that response the next time you encounter the trigger.

    Want help with your responses? Want to know how other people cope? Ask around on our quit communities on Smokers’ Helpline Online or talk to a Quit Coach at 1-877-513-5333 (toll-free)

    You are not alone Rebecca we are here to support you!

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello Rebecca

    Of course you can quit! not only for you, for your sun. He will be noticing you as non smoker!
    You will be smell so much better!
    You will save Money
    and your body will recover energy as soon as you quit!

    Go for it! you deserve to be free!

    You can do it
  5. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Rebecca,

    You have very good reasons for quitting. Doing it for your 3 year old son is very important. Setting the right example to a child is important. He will want to emulate his mother. Saving money is also a major thing. I quit in March and my dashboard tells me today that I have saved $4000! Think of the things you can do with the money you save and they can be rewards when you hit milestones along the way in your quit.

    Having a clear plan for quitting helps a lot. I have spent a considerable amount of time reading about others' successes in this forum. It has served as an incentive to me knowing that I have the power to do this too.

    Hang out with your mother and your non-smoking friends for support and tell your neighbours with pride that you are embarking on this important venture. Your doctor and pharmacist can help and the Smokers Helpline quit coaches can be reached at 1-877-513-5333.

    Wishing you every success in your quit.

  6. mizaru
    mizaru avatar
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    01 Sep 2018
    27 Oct 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it!
  7. mizaru
    mizaru avatar
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    Wow, I can't believe how much support there is here! Thank you all so much! I'm starting to feel more excited about quitting haha. :-) I'm sure I'll be posting everyday of my quit, especially when I'm totally stressed out! Lol again, thank you all so much
  8. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Rebecca,
    I'm quitting too, started the Patch yesterday.  I quit last January and was terrified.  One helpful idea I did was to set a timer to once every few hours (or hour in my case), and smoke only at that time.  This means you can't smoke 2 or 3 in a row after having not smoked all day, etc ...  I got excited and more confident as I succeeded at these baby steps.  I only had 5 cigarettes today and it makes me feel great, you may need all of these built in successes to set you on your path to becoming smoke free before your actual quit day.  You can do it!
  9. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    30 Oct 2018 in reply to ocean
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    Hi Folks!

    It's so gratifying to see such tremendous support. Thank you, ocean, eagerquit, briefree, merline, and treepeo.

    Rebecca, you have a whole team here cheering you on and happy to help! Same goes for you, Ocean, and for anyone else who is working on making this change for the better. I'm glad that you both are feeling excited about this ... it's the best thing a person can do for themselves, and there's so much to look forward to!

    Rebecca, I was just reading your first post again, the part about your neighbor who asks "why?" when you tell him you're quitting. If you haven't done so yet, this could be a good time to write down the reasons, both for him and for yourself. Sometimes it's easier to put such thoughts into writing!


  10. eddie
    eddie avatar
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    01 Nov 2018
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    Hi I hope you did quit, let us know how it’s going.
10 posts, 0 answered