15 posts
06 May 2018
24 May 2018
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Feeling really frustrated tonight, actually angry. I smoked more today about 7 to 8 cigarettes, was down to 6. The second one, I was kind of like I don't even want this, but smoked it anyway, and then the third. Still have the patch on, but really what's the point if I'm smoking more. Am I going to be in super bad shape if I take the patch off? I know I really don't have enough going on during the day to distract me, busy days seem easier. I work evenings. There is only so much, walking, and cleaning you can do. I know I need to purge or sort through a bunch of clothes and junk etc. But feel like it's just going to frustrate me, I've gained weight already eating junk. Kind of feel like I don't have a life, smoke, eat, sleep, work. And feeling kind of isolated, as my neighbours smoke, one is trying to quit and seems to be doing well. Well she slipped tonight again, but she seems to be able to stop again. But I know she has lots to distract her, cooking, and projects, or doing her nails, or hair, or make-up etc. I am grateful I get to hang out with family on the weekend, and that I go to work weekday evenings. Going to do some volunteer thing tomorrow with my sister, perhaps it will be a better day. Also I've heard if you can avoid that first smoke of the day, it makes it easier, not sure if it's true. I did have that one day no smokes, and I survived, but was anxious all day. Anyway I'm just going in circles now. So I'll leave it at that.