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Quitting took me a long time

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  1. atp
    atp avatar
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    Today, April 22, is my oldest son's 24th birthday. My first quit attempt was the day he was born. 
    It took me another 23 and a half years to finally have a quit that is sticking. I'm just a week shy of 4 months now. 

    Over the intervening years I tried to quit many times. Looking back now I see that many times I just wasn't ready, or willing, to stick it out. This last quit - I was ready and prepared to stick it out. 

    You always hear how many smokers need to try quitting several times before they succeed. Seems all too true for me. 

    So, who else had a long history with trying to quit?

  2. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    That would be me, atp.
    Congratulations on 4 months!
  3. steven, quit coach
    steven, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations on your nearly 4 month quit! That is quite an accomplishment to be proud of!

    You are right, it can take a few different quit attempts before quitting sticks. In fact, it is uncommon to hear that someone quit smoking and never smoked again on their very first try!

    Are you planning on rewarding yourself or celebrating your success so far in any way? You definitely deserve it!


    Steven (Quit Coach)

  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi atp - congratulations on keeping the quit.

    I've thought a lot about what made my current quit stick, and all I can say is that is was my time.  Stubbornness, determination, luck, maturity, self-respect, accountability - these are all feelings which have led to my success.

    In short, the REASONS to stay quit have to OUTWEIGH the EXCUSES to smoke again.

    Last modified on 23 Apr 2019 09:47 by efreeman75
  5. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Atp I am so happy for you for quitting nearly 4 months! Isn't it nice to be able to enjoy the nice weather, and breathe in that fresh air. Making it through the winter was tough, but we did it!! The times I tried quitting before did not last as I now realize I did not know how to stay quit. This time I read everything I could to prepare, and joined this helpline. The  info and support I found made all the difference for me, and I encourage anyone that seriously wants to quit smoking and stay quit,  to look into getting some help that is now so available.  Heres to another smoke free day! - m
  6. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    I'm still struggling.  However, I just came across a quote that I'm going to carry with me by a doctor who works with addicts:  "...people who value their health and well-being less than the immediate , drug-driven needs of the moment."  Now there's a stark choice!
  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi turningpoint,

    That quote really sums it up succinctly, doesn't it?

    You know, as I battled to hang onto my quit, I remember thinking that I had to be better than I was.  That is, I could not keep giving in to the addiction, no matter how strong the pull.  I knew I had to fight the pain, otherwise the addiction would always come out on top, and my life as a smoker would never end.  And that was just no longer acceptable.  I had to quit, and I wanted to quit.

    Quitting was worth all the struggle and all the pain.  For me, the very worst of it passed after the first month, which wasn't bad considering I smoked all my life.  And quitting changed my life in so many positive ways it is hard to describe.  But I really am grateful every day that I am now a non-smoker.

    Never give up, turningpoint.  Like that doctor said, care about yourself more than this addiction.  Don't let it rob you of your health and well-being.  You deserve so much more than that.
  8. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Hi treepeo,

    Congratulations on fighting your way through the struggle and pain, and finally achieving freedom.  I am encouraged by your comment that your life has changed in so many positive ways.  You have earned those positive changes.  Thank you for sharing.

    The doctor's statement struck a chord with me.  The "drug driven needs of the moment" are what cravings are.  No more, no less.  I don't think that drug driven needs are needs that deserve a lot of respect from me, and I certainly don't value them above my health and well-being.  So, since reading the quote I have been able to fend off cravings (and with the help of the patch).  I think this idea will continue to be useful for me.
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    I tried to quit countless times since I started out as a smoker at the age of 16... now Im 41 (so a 25 year career).
    I used all the NRT, the patches, the gum, the lozenges, the Champix but I always ended up slipping and then into relapse.
    This last quit was about my 5th serious one. I used the patches and the mist but I also made up my mind that this was it - the quit to end all quits and I used the reasons I failed in past attempts to guide and prepare myself.
    Also using this forum really helped... I came on here to rant or just document my day at that given time and that gave me a sense of accountability to keep up the effort. I didn't want to let anyone down.
    Im now 4 months into it and feeling that Im getting stronger with each passing day. It has been hard and I had many shaky moments where I thought I would give in; but the help on here really did get me through.

    If you don't get responses immediately you can read old threads and posts and somehow that is enough to get back on track and realize that its just the deamon addict in your mind trying to trick you back into smoking again.
    I honestly can say now that I will never smoke again... NOPE... but I also know from past relapses that I cant be flippant with any of this and that a pack a day habit is just a puff away. Its a real bastard of an addiction and I wish Id never started. I don't miss it anymore and it almost seems foreign to me now to think of smoking. Sometimes I pretend I have a cigarette in my hand and do the hand to mouth action but it feels weird (and stupid).

    Hopefully this time is that final quit for me as I really don't wanna go through this again. While Im feeling great now at this stage the memory of the hell it was in the early days is enough to keep me vigilant.
    Last modified on 19 Apr 2022 06:27 by dublinguy
  10. puggysmom
    puggysmom avatar
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    Are you still smoke free?
  11. atp
    atp avatar
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    Today I rolled over 30000 cigarettes not smoked!

    $19,200 saved so far. I had 2 vacations this year - Jamaica and Barbados. The saving keep piling up.

  12. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    That is amazing. 
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    How wonderful it is to see you posting again Atp… I read many of your threads before and found them very inspiring. Your quit smoking stats are really something to be proud of and I bet you enjoyed those amazing holidays with the proceeds of your quit.
    Hopefully I will get to the stage you're at with time... its so hard to just stay committed and not to give in... but Im trying.

    sorry for not answering puggsymom - only saw your post now. I quit last week again and am going well so far. I managed to quit last December and made it to 6 months but of course, I thought the one with a drink wouldn't do harm but it did. I just have to keep trying to I get it right I guess..
    Last modified on 17 Oct 2022 10:22 by dublinguy
13 posts, 0 answered