832 posts
29 Nov 2017
11 Jul 2019
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Hi turningpoint,
That quote really sums it up succinctly, doesn't it?
You know, as I battled to hang onto my quit, I remember thinking that I had to be better than I was. That is, I could not keep giving in to the addiction, no matter how strong the pull. I knew I had to fight the pain, otherwise the addiction would always come out on top, and my life as a smoker would never end. And that was just no longer acceptable. I had to quit, and I wanted to quit.
Quitting was worth all the struggle and all the pain. For me, the very worst of it passed after the first month, which wasn't bad considering I smoked all my life. And quitting changed my life in so many positive ways it is hard to describe. But I really am grateful every day that I am now a non-smoker.
Never give up, turningpoint. Like that doctor said, care about yourself more than this addiction. Don't let it rob you of your health and well-being. You deserve so much more than that.