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New to this

12 posts, 4 answered
  1. lorif
    lorif avatar
    8 posts
    04 Sep 2018
    04 Sep 2018
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    Hi all

    I am new to this so thought I would say HI. I quit smoking yesterday morning. 
    I have quit numerous times but just don't end up lasting. I am hoping so much I last this time because I really really want to quit. I am just plain sick of smoking lol
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hi lorif!
    Welcome to and congrats on the day # 2 of your quit!
    You mentioned you've quit in the past: those attempts are always learning opportunities, even if they last just one day. So keep quitting! because you sound like you are strongly motivated and that going smoke-free is important to you.
    All the best and enjoy your smoke-free night!
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi lorif,

    Welcome to SHO.  Really, really wanting to quit is half the battle, so you are halfway there!  As for the other half, drink lots of water, and do things to distract yourself so you don't think about the cravings.  If a craving gets bad, wait 10 minutes, because anyone can wait 10 minutes.  And if that doesn't work, wait another 10 minutes, and so on until it passes.  And it will pass.

    You can do this, lorif.  Believe in yourself.
  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Lorif,

    Welcome to the Smokers Helpline Forums and congratulations on starting on your smoke free journey. The previous times will have helped you as a learning experience to make this one stick. I found that having a quit plan makes for success. I prepared a list of my reasons to quit and keep that handy in front of me as a reminder of where I came from and how far I have progressed. A bucket list of rewards for milestones reached can also be helpful. It gives goals to reach out for. Success breeds success.

    Wishing you another smoke free day today.


  5. toby
    toby avatar
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    Best of luck on your journey to freedom from smoking. After 40 years of smoking I am now 65 days without a cigarette and haven't felt this good in years. Don't let anything deter you! Earlier in the spring I made a commitment to not stop quitting until I was successful and that strategy worked for me. You can do this!   
  6. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    04 Sep 2018
    05 Sep 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    thank you so much.  I did get through another night yahoo.  I am motivated for sure. My son says just take it one day at a time just like people in AA do.  so trying that and buying lots of gum lol 
  7. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    05 Sep 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    thank you so much for the great advice.  Your right I do need to believe in myself.  I will just keep telling myself I can do this. My son texts me You got this.
  8. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    Love the list idea and the bucket list reward part. I will for sure try that tonight for sure. 
  9. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    congrats Toby that is awesome.  wow 40 years, well I am pretty close 30 years for me. Your right about not giving up quiting. I have kept trying hoping it will get longer and longer. this time I am just determined to go all the way and not go back.  
  10. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    HI again lorif - sounds like you have a wonderful support in your son, which is so helpful and makes a big difference when quitting.
    Continue to take it one day at a time and using your gum - its really working for you!
    Keep up the AWESOME job, lorif!


  11. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    06 Sep 2018 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    He is great support , he has wanted me to quit for a long time.   
    so far so good I got through another night. the only thing I am now finding hard is I am not sleeping well. I haven't since I quit. Even no matter how tired I am or take something to help I am still constantly waking up. I don't remember having that problem before when I tried quitting so this time it is getting to me. I keep hoping in a few more days it will pass.
  12. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Lorif,

    Congratulations on another smoke free day. You are making your son proud. Setting the right examples for impressionable youth is important. I too had trouble sleeping. A friend of mind suggested green tea about an hour before bed. Besides being a good antioxidant, it does make me drowsy, and sleeping hasn't been an issue for a while.

    Wishing you another smoke free day.


12 posts, 4 answered