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Again, but seriously giving it a week

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. ocean
    ocean avatar
    286 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    30 Dec 2018
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    Feeling upbeat and I have another week off on holidays.  I'm always close to quitting, perpetually... Just going for it with NRT the day after tomorrow with the stash I've accumulated.  Afterall, maybe it will get me to clean my house, a meticulous deep clean that it needs.  I got 5 months last January to June, gonna just try it again.  One hour at a time.  January 1st when I'll run out of my current pack, so it's convenient.
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    30 Dec 2018 in reply to ocean
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    Hi ocean,

    Good for you for setting a new quit date and congratulations for your 5 month quit earlier this year. Moving forward, sounds like you have a lot of great strategies in your tool belt such as cleaning, NRT and taking it one hour at a time.

    Running out of cigarettes on the day of the new year seems like a meant-to-be.

    Excited for you,

    Jenna Lee
2 posts, 0 answered