Forums / Cravings / Day 80 off NRT but strong cravings this morning

Day 80 off NRT but strong cravings this morning

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  1. writerguy1975
    writerguy1975 avatar
    6 posts
    03 Apr 2020
    15 Jun 2020
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    Hi all:

    I'm 80 days free of the NRT but I had a fairly strong want of a cigarette this morning. I'm drinking tea now and that seems to be helping, but I really wanted that smoke badly this morning. I'm feeling a bit like a failure for even thinking about having a smoke because I've been generally doing so well. 

    Anyhow, I think most of the danger has passed, but I was taken aback by the "want" this morning and it really took a lot of willpower to not cave in this morning.
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi writerguy1975,

    Congrats on not caving! 

    Thanks for letting us know what you're going through. This is an addiction that can definitely keep a person on their toes. 

    I wonder what made this morning rougher than other mornings? Has something changed in how you're thinking or how you're feeling? 

    Today could be a good day to revisit your original motivations for quitting, and perhaps reflect on some of the benefits you're enjoying from being smoke-free. Might help to give the ol' willpower a boost. 

    As for feeling "a bit like a failure," thoughts are not deeds; you thought about having a smoke, but didn't act on it; instead you successfully used your willpower (and tea) to stay smoke-free! Eighty days nicotine-free is a huge accomplishment and a significant success. 
  3. writerguy1975
    writerguy1975 avatar
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    03 Apr 2020
    19 Jun 2020 in reply to efram, quit coach
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    Thanks Efram. Of course, you're right.

    Things have generally gone a lot smoother the rest of the week. I think the trigger is that I now have a new cat in my home, and she can be very active in the early morning hours. She's been waking me up at 5 a.m., instead of my normal 6 a.m. So I have a whole extra hour to fill, some of which I can do by playing with the cat, but I started to think I could actually have the time to smoke. And that led to the cravings, maybe. Or just the general stress of having a curious cat -- much more curious than my last one -- going around the apartment and potentially breaking things.

    In any event, I think I got over the worst of it. 
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi writerguy1975

    Congratulations in your hard work to be free, 80 days is an amassing mark!
    I think all those feelings are normal, give your self a big Hug!
    Your Cat must be grateful to have you!

    One day at the time! Never give up!

    I have an Horrible day, the heat and the stress of situations, spike my Mud, but I never thought  to go and by smokes.
    Distract your self from that moments is the key! I think!

    Keep the good work, freedom is yours! 
4 posts, 0 answered