Forums / My journey / 2 Months

2 Months

11 posts, 0 answered
  1. atp
    atp avatar
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    Today marks 2 months since I became a non-smoker, and what a lifestyle change it has been for me. Thinking back to the difficult first days and weeks, it was all worth it to finally be free of the addiction of smoking.

    I still have my moments where I think about smoking, or get a real good full on craving, but now I am not at the mercy of the addiction. I choose not to smoke and that is a commitment I need to make every day. Not One Puff Ever. 

    Thinking back to many prior quit attempts, I just felt different about going into this quit. I was committed to do it this time. I kept looking for the positives, rather than what I thought I was missing. It helped once I started to feel some positive physical improvements such as breathing better. You never realize how much smoking sucks out of you until you quit. 

    I look at my Dashboard stats and am amazed to see how much smoking was costing me:
    Savings: $830.72
    Days Smoke-Free: 59
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1298
    Life saved: 9 days 21 hours 58 minutes
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Alp, 

    2 months, is smoke free is Fantastic! Congrats! The way is clear, those smoke free days will rise as far we keep the good work, and be focus in our New life!

    I am proud of you!
    Last modified on 01 Mar 2019 06:59 by brieffree
  3. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Congrats atp!!! You have been such an active member throughout your quit, inspiring and motivating others as you power through your own journey. It's amazing to see how much you have gain, personally, mentally, and financially!!
    Thank you for always sharing!!!
  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Way to go atp!!!

    You've tackled this addiction head on, and shown it who's in charge.  You're beating the addiction down one day at a time.  Your willpower is commendable.

    And in the process, you've given so much support to this forum.

    You truly deserve this.

  5. atp
    atp avatar
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    You know, I received a lot of support through the early days of my quit, and I feel a need to do the same to the next quitter in line. 

    The difference between this quit and past quits was that I wasn't missing smoking this time.
  6. lucky
    lucky avatar
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    Hi atp,
    Congratulations on being 2 month smoke free!!!
    Be proud of yourself for coming this far, it is not an easy ride

    It is amazing how the body is healing after the last cigarette, better breathing and less coughing. 
    Keep up the good work and your positive outlook.

  7. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Congrats atp on being 2 months smoke free! So happy 😀 for you, keep up the good work! Also a big Thanks for all the sharing, support & encouragement you provide, so appreciated.
  8. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hi atp, Good for you on your 2 month smoke free milestone! It really is a huge accomplishment. What are your plans for a celebration? And yes, thank you for sharing your journey, its a nice feeling that we can all help each other in our own way. - m
  9. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi atp,

    A HUGE congratulations on your two months smoke free!  You did the work, you suffered, and you persevered.  And look where you are today.  2 months under your belt, feeling much better physically, having more money in your pocket, and knowing that you can go all the way.  Yippee!

    I hope you do something to celebrate this amazing milestone!  I am so happy for you!
  10. chesk
    chesk avatar
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    Congratulations that is a big accomplishment!

    $800+ not up in smoke and 1200 cigarettes definitely motivating! Keep it up! 
  11. atp
    atp avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your support. As my support team you all helped me out in so many ways. And It feels good to be part of everyone else's support team as well. 

    To celebrate I am going to the bicycle show today to check out the new gear. Might get myself one of those tight bicycle shorts, so as to push myself to lose some weight before summer. 
11 posts, 0 answered