4 posts
26 Jan 2021
02 Feb 2021
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Hi all,
Thank you first for the support and feedback. As much as the articles and studies say smoking causes higher levels of stress rather then lowering - I never realized how much of an edge it can still take off feelings of anxiety. I'm on day 14, but 3 days ago slipped up and used my wife's vape a few times while having a drink. Oh lord what a mistake. I woke up the next day feeling awful - my chest felt tight, out of breath, like having a cold. I hit the treadmill and did a solid run and time and didn't feel bad. I spoke to the doctor (no in office visits) and he feels it's irritation of the lungs from the vape and nicotine and should go away with time and not too worried about lung and heart function due to my physical activity results. Conclusion, stay away from vapes as well, oi!
Anxiety is still alive and well and feeling unbalanced like I haven't felt in years and years and years. My wife has pointed out I'm constantly sighing without realizing it. I'm not sure how much of it is due to living in a complete government lock-down from COVID, working long hours, nothing to look forward to vacation wise, and staying on top of 3 young children for elearning - and now the negative effects from withdrawal and healing. What a time to decide to quit.
I think some of the physical symptoms I'm fighting are coming from multiple sources, exasperated by the fact there is little to do to distract oneself during a lockdown. I'm fighting through minor aches in the chest with certain movements, burning sensation that comes and goes, feeling of being short of breath, but not being short of breath, nagging cough (like clearing throat), bit groggy / sleepy. I'm staying hopefully that it will go away with time and doing a general housekeeping blood test per the doctor - but at this time he feels it's more a time thing. Despite my doctor, my mind keeps hoping it's not something more nefarious like cancer.
I'm drinking water, avoiding alcohol, getting extra sleep, keep physically active, taking steps to improve air quality in the house (duct cleaning, lowering VOCs), I keep thinking I wish I could go back 9 months and smack myself before starting, but then I also wonder, how much of my sanity would I have kept through these crazy times.
Last modified on 02 Feb 2021 10:58 by coolbreeze