efram, quit coach
249 posts
29 Nov 2017
19 Sep 2018
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Hi nash second try,
Welcome to SHL.ca! Nice to have you here.
As brieffree says, everyone is different; some need a lot of support from quit aids, while others do well without.
Research show that the nicotine replacement therapies you mentioned (inhaler, mouth spray) can double the chance of success for someone who smokes 10 or more cigarettes per day.
Some people prefer the inhaler as it's shaped like a cigarette (it comes with nicotine cartridges) and gives that familiar hand-to-mouth motion plus nicotine in a safe delivery system; it's meant to be puffed on, not inhaled into the lungs.
Others prefer the oral spray as it's faster-acting, typically satisfying a craving within a minute or two. Either can help to not only lessen nicotine cravings but to reduce withdrawals as well.
The jury is still out of the vapourizers; we don't know how effective they are, nor do we know how safe they are to use, though they are believed to be safer than smoking cigarettes at least.
There's a forum here called "The patch, the gum, the pills" and people have been posting there as well about what they've tried and how it's worked for them.
Hope this helps ... please keep us posted!