1 posts
29 Dec 2019
29 Dec 2019
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Have never been depressed ever for 50 years, i am 14 weeks in and feel lousy. I do realize 35 years of smoking does not go away quick or overnight, but have never felt depressed and crummy thoughts!!! I by NO means am thinking suicidal thoughts or anything like that, i just do not feel like being with people and don't feel like doing anything!! My nose is still clogged, constantly clearing throat that has a constant lump feeling in it. I am not eating more or less or snacking but have somehow gained 14 pounds of unwanted gut. There is a constant feeling of WHY am i doing this when there has been NO positives!!! This should be gone by now reading everything on internet and crappy health blog forums..... I do not have a fever or anything and I am a construction foreman so somewhat physical every day...any thoughts?????
Last modified on 07 Jan 2020 18:21 by Quit Coach 7