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Easily Irritable

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. jr83
    jr83 avatar
    3 posts
    20 Jun 2019
    28 Jun 2019
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    My quit day was 8 days ago, and so far so good except that I am so moody.  I know that's a typical symptom that comes along with quitting but it is driving me and my family nuts.  I'm using Champix still and I don't know if that has been affecting my mood/emotions too.  My husband has been calling me out all week on snapping at him and I recognize it the second it happens but I don't seem to be able to control myself.  I'm highly irritable and easily agitated and find my kids more annoying then ever! They're only 7 & 10 and although I've explained to them that I'm quitting and will be moodier then normal, they don't quite get it (understandably!).  And it's not fair on my kids or my husband and most recently my amazing co-worker (who told me I was being "snippy" this morning) that my awful mood/attitude is being directed at them. 

    I don't know how to control my emotions at this point.  I told my husband that I plan on hiding in our room after dinner tonight, to avoid being unpleasant around him and the kids so that I don't ruin their night.  It's the only thing I can think of doing right now.

    How long until I start feeling like myself again and stop feeling so irrationally emotional?
  2. elke, quit coach
    elke, quit coach avatar
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    14 Jun 2019
    28 Jun 2019
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    Hi jr83,

    Congratulations on quitting and making it through day 8! You are right, irritability is one of the common withdrawal symptoms, it will usually lessen though over 2-4 weeks. Taking care of yourself and your needs more during this time can be helpful. You could try relaxation or deep breathing or try saying to yourself: "Its OK to feel angry. I can handle it. It will pass." It is good that you let others know that you're not mad at them and are just having a hard time. Sometime is also helps to be physically active.

    Hang in there, it will get better. This is a good time for Self-care!
  3. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi jr83,

    In addition to withdrawal symptoms easing over 2-4 weeks as Elke mentioned above, I wonder how long you have been on champix for? Sometimes it can take longer to build up in some people's system, so they quit later into the Champix regimen than others. I have even spoken with people who thought they were supposed to quit on day 1 of champix, even though this is not the case.

    Please talk with your healthcare providers if you have concerns regarding this medication. Perhaps a dosing change (either up or down) may help.

    Wishing you continued success, hang in there,

    Jenna Lee
  4. emilykatrina
    emilykatrina avatar
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    29 Jun 2019
    29 Jun 2019
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    Cigarettes are not the most uncomfortable habit to kick. What makes it so hard quit is that its very very easy to find, and asking a stranger for one is socially acceptable. 
  5. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    08 Jul 2019 in reply to emilykatrina
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    Hi Emilykatrina,

    First of all, congratulations for quitting! 
    I really like your perseverance through your quit it proves how much you are determined to remain smoke-free despite the negative side of the withdrawal symptoms.

    You're right in saying “What makes it so hard quit is that its very very easy to find, and asking a stranger for one is socially acceptable."
    Keeping your motivation in mind will help you not to ask a stranger for a cigarette, even if it's socially acceptable.

    Withdrawal usually starts a few hours after you quit and may peak in 2 or 3 days. You should begin to feel better after that. Some people get through it quickly, while for others it can take longer. It may feel bad, but it is seldom dangerous. Most symptoms will go away in a while but in the meantime stay focused on your success because you are doing well so far.

    How's everything going so far? I hope a bit better?

    Of course, you can call a Smokers’ Helpline Quit Coach at 1-877-513-5333 for more support.
5 posts, 0 answered